Saturday, December 28, 2019
Achilles the Illiad - 1570 Words
Iliad 21.70-135 (Lykaon supplicates Achilles, Achilles kills him) Consider Achilles’ response to supplication in this passage. How does this compare to his attitude in the extracts from the Iliad in your lecture/tutorial readings? The cruel rejection by Achilles to the supplication of Lykaon in Book 21 represents a fundamental transformation in the attitude of Achilles. Achilles has become full of anger and self-loathing following the death of Patroclus. Achilles answers Lykaon’s supplication by stating, â€Å"I reject this childish plea for mercy, and I will accept no ransom. Until Patroclus died, I often spared suppliants, and sold them abroad; but now all Trojans I catch will die, especially all sons of King Priam!†(Graves 1960†¦show more content†¦Achilles has been tipped over the edge by the blame he feels for failing his responsibilities and completely loses his grip on reality. Achilles no longer adheres to the moral and social standards that were previously so important to him in his quest for personal glory. The old values Achilles held are no longer relevant and he has lost all sense of right versus wrong. Achilles atrocious acts are symbolic of the war raging inside his mind. In his vengeful slaying of the Trojans he is metaphorically trying to kill himself over and over again. At this point Achilles is completely obsessed on obtaining revenge by killing Hector and absolutely nothing will stop him achieving this aim. Achilles is now in a psychological traumatic state of mind. Achilles wrath reaches its pinnacle when he kills Hector, as he declares, â€Å"at last I am avenged!†(Graves 1960 22:317). It would now be reasonable to expect that from this moment on Achilles anger would begin to subside with the relief of his revenge. We would rightfully expect to begin to see the return of the old Achilles as previously told, â€Å"but there is no gall in Achilleus’ heart, he is forgiving†(Lattimore 2011 2:240) however this is most certainly not the case. Instead Achilles anger is further and even more disturbingly demonstrated by his mutilation of Hectors body. Achilles has not found peace in his revenge whatsoever instead he becomes more deranged than ever. The death ofShow MoreRelated Achilles in The Illiad is not a Hero Essay1009 Words  | 5 PagesAchilles in The Illiad is not a Hero      In the introduction of the Essential Illiad given by Sheila Murnaghan, Achilles is labeled as â€Å"the greatest of the Greek heroes†. In classic mythology a hero is a person of great strength and courage celebrated for bold exploits and is often the offspring of a mortal and a god. Achilles was the greatest fighter among the Greeks or Trojans and feared no man in battle. He was also the offspring of a mortal and a god so by classic mythology definitionRead MoreThe Character of Achilles in Homers Illiad Essay1511 Words  | 7 PagesFor centuries now, the character of Achilleus, the great Achaean warrior, has been a subject of major debate among those studying Homers classic epic The Iliad. Ironically, though there is very little physical description of Achilleus in The Iliad, he is perhaps the most thoroughly developed character in the epic. It seems as though Achilleus has a tendency to make a very strong impression on the reader, and often a bad one a t that. Those who dislike Achilleus in particular attack his overpoweringRead MoreThe Fury of Achiles in Homers Illiad and Ovids Metamorphoses1066 Words  | 4 PagesAchilles Through the stories in both Homers Illiad and Ovids Metamorphoses one can see the power and the fury of Achilles, one greatest Greek warriors in the Trojan War. In Homers Illiad, Homer illustrates the battle between Achilles Hector, who was the Prince of Troy. In Ovids Metamorphoses, Ovid illustrates the battle between Achilles and Cycnus, who is the son of Neptune. In both battles, the outcome is the same both warriors are slain by Achilles. While both stories have the same endingRead MoreThe Trojan War : History Not Myth1545 Words  | 7 Pageshistories most legendary battles. This battle is told to have lasted ten years, resulting in the eventual collapse of Troy, under the siege of Greek forces. Modern knowledge of the Trojan War has survived mainly through the account given in Homer’s Illiad, and while having proved to be a rich source of inspiration for other writers, artists, and even filmmakers in recent history, much speculation still exists surrounding his accoun t. I will analyze modern interpretations of the Trojan War and examineRead MoreJacques Louis David, Andromache Mourning Hector1145 Words  | 5 Pagesinfluent to the latter Romantic movement, blends various elements and allusions of Homeric times to his artwork, encapsulating important Homeric textual and philosophical references. Masterfully, David engages audience with four central themes of the illiad; the rage of Achillies, Hectors death a metaphor for the fall of troy; and most importantly, the human impact of War. The ominous, heart-breaking family portrait not only enhances Homers’ text, but also ‘paints’ David’s own time; a steady shift intoRead MoreThe Road Of Immortality And Glory940 Words  | 4 PagesThe Road to Immortality and Glory â€Å"Gilgamesh†and â€Å"The Illiad†are epics that tell a character’s struggle to gain immortality and glory. Gilgamesh and Achilles’s motivations to gain immortality and glory are quite different. However, their journeys in trying to achieve these things are quite the same. Through the journey of trying to obtain immortality and glory, Gilgamesh and Achilles teach their audience the true way a person is able to gain immortality and glory in life. Although greatness,Read MoreThe Heroic Code1182 Words  | 5 Pagesdecisions often affect the lives of others as well. They need the heroic code to guide them in their decision making. In this essay, I will describe the heroic code and share its applications in the stories of Beowulf, Gilgamesh and Noah, and The Illiad, as well as my other personal experiences. I will start with the story of The Man of La Mancha, which is a play based on the story of Don Quixote. In this story, you have a rather deranged man on a quest to become a knight. In order to become aRead MoreCharacteristics Of A Hero In The Illiad979 Words  | 4 Pagesanything in between. People tend to think about unrealistic heroes who wear crazy outfits and capes and have a different they hide behind, but during the time of the Ancient Greeks, they had slightly different thoughts on heroes. When it comes to The Illiad by Homer, one of the biggest things focused on is the image of the hero. Homer never directly gives the answer to the question â€Å"What makes a good hero?†, but he does write about many heroes, and through the writings it is easy to pick up what qualitiesRead MoreTheme Of Glory In The Iliad774 Words  | 4 Pagesnegatively. In the early books of the Iliad, Agamemnon and Achilles are more concerned with individual honor rather than the well-being o f the city. In chapter 1, lines 135 -140, we clearly see Agamemnon defending his honor and pride by insisting, that because he is the king, he must not be left without a prize. By doing so, he has angered his greatest warrior whom is essential, to the defeat of Troy. By taking Briseis, Agamemnon dishonors Achilles and causes him to refuse to fight for his fellow AchaeansRead MoreAchilles, Aeneas, and Roland979 Words  | 4 Pagesduring the times of the ancient Greeks and Romans, as well as during the medieval period when Germanic tribes ruled Europe. To help them get through their very insecure days, people would tell oral stories of great heroes, like those of Achilles, Aeneas, and Roland. Achilles was a Greek war hero who fights in the Trojan War, a ten year long war between Greece and Troy (present day Turkey). Aeneas was an epic hero in ancient Roman folklore. He was a soldier who fought in the Trojan War and after surviving
Friday, December 20, 2019
The Five Things I Have Learned - 1279 Words
In this course, History 101 Western Civilization to 1689, the five things I have learned are: Homer’s life and writings; Aristotle, and his synthesis of early thinkers; Alexander the Great, and his legacy; Julius Caesar, and his power; and finally, Martin Luther, and his influence. I feel that in this course I learned more about people in history than I have ever learned before. These people I am discussing have made tremendous impacts on the world and have allowed so much growth in western civilization. The topics I have picked to discuss are the most important to me because they symbolize, in my mind, eras, and the great changes of the world, mainly through mindset and belief. These five topics show how people are needed to make changes, and to make history, and how the ideas that are brought before these times have lasted the years. The first major thing that I learned was about Homer; who he was and how his writings â€Å"helped shape the Greek spirit and Greek religion†(Perry, Chase and Jacob). I feel that Homer, and his works, such as â€Å"Iliad†and â€Å"The Odyssey†, were very important because they allowed a transformation in the views of an individual. Homer placed the individual as another force of life that has the power to change events and determine their own lives, not just the gods, in his works. â€Å"Homer’s view of the eternal order of the world and his conception of the individual striving for excellence that brought honor and esteem form the foundations of the GreekShow MoreRelatedReflection About Communication1011 Words  | 5 Pagessignificant thing learned since the course began? A: Prior to class starting, I never knew how essential communication is for our everyday life. One new thing that I learned is the five needs that communication addresses (Floyd, pg 4-6): Physical Relational Identity Spiritual Instrumental Learning about the five basic needs that communication provides, I was able to understand not just the benefits of having strong social ties, but how communication fulfills everyday needs that we humans have. Q:Read MoreStudy Skills And Learning Experience958 Words  | 4 Pagesexperience. These fifteen week I have spent in study skills have taught me a lot about college. When I first got to Troy I was on probation. By the end of the first semester I was off of probation, and I thought I had everything in hand. But by then end of the second semester last year I put back on at the end of the year. As I sat down over the summer I had come to a realization that I had no true idea on what it meant to study or take notes. So this semester I decided to take study skills to helpRead MoreWhat I Learned From This Course866 Words  | 4 PagesI would like to begin my Essay explaining all that I learned from this course. The first thing I learned was my Learning Patterns and how to use them not only in my course through school but my everyday life. Learning how my brain-mind connection work’s best for me. In this course, I was able to learn how I was already using my Learning Patterns before I even knew what they were and how valuable they are to myself and my future goals. I learned where I may use one pattern more than the other, orRead MoreReflections Of Oral Communications Class And Plans For Continued Progress965 Words  | 4 Pagesat Brenau and I was nervous about how things would go. Despite the fact that it was online and only five weeks, I enjoyed speech class and I feel like I learned a great deal a short time. I will share with you my insights on how I improved; my plan for applying my knowledge in the future and some skills I feel like I gained from taking the course. As I reflect on the class and how I improved I think first to how nervous I felt about having to speak on camera. In my previous job I had to speak inRead MoreWhy I Learned About International Business974 Words  | 4 PagesThere were many things that I like about the class and there was nothing that I did not like at all. The things I liked about the class were reading the book Chosen. I really enjoyed being able to learn about International Business. This course was for semester five students but I was able to get in and I am glad that I was. One of the reasons I like the class was also that the teacher Rabih Hitti was easy going and kept the class engaged in the discussions and made the class stay awake for the 1:30Read MoreMy First Online Class At Brenau And I Was Nervous953 Words  | 4 Pagesat Brenau and I was nervous about how things would go. Despite the fact that it was online and only five weeks, I enjoyed speech class and I feel like I learned a great deal in a sh ort time. I will share with you my insights on how I improved; my plan for applying my knowledge in the future and some skills I feel like I gained from taking the course. As I reflect on the class and how I improved I think first to how nervous I felt about having to speak on camera. In my previous job I had to speakRead MoreWhat I Learned From This Course865 Words  | 4 PagesI would like to begin my essay explaining all that I learned from this course. The first thing I learned was my Learning Patterns and how to use them not only in my course through school but my everyday life. Learning how my brain-mind connection work’s best for me. In this course, I was able to find out how I was already using my Learning Patterns before I even knew what they were and how valuable they are to myself and my future goals. I learned where I may use one pattern more than the other,Read MoreDescriptive Essay About My Mother949 Words  | 4 Pageshow chaotic things can become there has always been one person that I can turn to, my mom. She’s been a wealth of advice to call on when I’m clueless and a shoulder to cry on when I’m down . Her compassion for others inspires me to be a better person as does the guidance she has given me over the years. She’s not afraid to give me a reality check and to tell me the things I don’t want to hear even though I need to. She keeps me grounded and teaches me to appreciate the smaller things in life. EvenRead MoreMy Personality Test For General Psychology1742 Words  | 7 Pagesgeneral psychology in Lab 2, I am both intrigued and surprised by my results. Prior to this class, I have taken other personality profile tests due to my fascination with the way the human mind works. I have found that understanding my own personality, as well as the personalities of others helps immensely when trying to interact and relate to the people closest to us. Before I began this summary, I needed to know more about the determination of me being an ESFJ. Initially, I did not agree with the findingsRead MoreNorms Of A Norm Violation869 Words  | 4 PagesSome things I do in my life can be considered a norm or a norm violation. Norm violations are stepping away from what our society considers to be a norm. There are a few different types of norms. Norms that are not enforced are called folkways. Folkways can be considered people who are half naked in a gay parade. Norms that are strictly enforced because they are a core value of a group are mores. Mores are when a woman would be exposing her breast in the gay parade. On February 17, 2016 I decided
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Entrepreneurship And Innovation Management Globalization and Competi
Question: Describe about the Entrepreneurship And Innovation Management for Globalization and Competition. Answer: Introduction Globalization and increasing number of start-ups across the world have led to increased competition in every aspect of business(Zott, 2011). Due to relaxation of international laws in business cross border sales and trade have increased and companies are now deploying variety of strategies to expand their business. However starting up or development of successful entrepreneurial endeavors requires tremendous commitment of resources and overcoming immense challenges. Research reflects that amongst start-ups success rates are low to the tune of merely 33% failing within their first six months of business, rest within the next three years fail to survive. There is a strong perception regarding luck prevailing amongst entrepreneurial mind-set in running their businesses. Successful process of entrepreneurial business initiates with the process of creating an innovative business model. The scope of this report has undertaken the case company of Campbell Soup Company(Ross, 2006). Campbell is an American canned soup company. It was established in 1869 with headquarters in Camden, New Jersey, USA. The company produces soups and various products that are distributed across 120 countries worldwide. Its products consist of soups, V8, porridge pot, baked snacks and so on. The companys has an employee base of over 23,000 people. The entrepreneurial stages of the company is understood and its business model innovation. The essay further analyses strengths and weaknesses of the ventures business model and the way they have developed in the future. The company was a successful food producer with aggressive acquisition and pricing strategy. The company had suffered huge losses in the year 1996 to 2000 which made the company go into a state of turmoil. The then, CEO of the company Douglas Conant helped the company recover and becoming profitable again(Dollinger, 2008). Though this is not a case of an ideal startup but the revival process can be seen in the light of entrepreneuri al life cycle. Analysis Entrepreneurs generally innovate new ideas or ways of doing things and the execute them differently to form businesses. The most important aspect of entrepreneurial ventures lies in the execution part of their formed strategy. Execution includes three basic processes involving people, strategy and operations. Hence, an entrepreneur needs to ensure that he has a successful team who can successfully implement strategy formed by the entrepreneur(Hoy, 2006). In Campbell Soups after failing of the businesses once, the new CEO devised steady strategies targeting at company improvement, he needed to indulge in employee engagement programs. While incorporating in new and variable products of the company it needed tremendous commitment from employees which was only possible through employee engagement programs. Thus, the CEO realized the need of having an effective team for the companys success. Entrepreneurship life cycle comprises of five distinct stages of visualizing business opportunities, ideation and testing, business model generation, resource acquisition and management and execution. In the first stage of the life cycle an idea is generated by inspiration using various tools and techniques as mind mapping, visual thinking, and customer journey and so on(Kiron, 2013). For Campbell Soups this idea was centralized around improvising product quality. This poised a major challenge for the company, which was extremely difficult to attain as they had continued four years of worse performance. Belonging to the grocery sector that grows at 2% annually, the required target seemed impossible. Once an idea is generated its goes for ideation and testing, in this stage solution to the problem is identified and formed. Returns from the food industry were based on value that investors derive from their investments. Thus, success or failure of any business was entirely dependent on its shareholders profits, in order to uplift the same the company started implementing employee engagement programs. Ideation and testing for the company began by setting continuous improvement goals for the company(Ricart, 2011). Figure 1 : Approach of Entrepreneurship Innovation Source : (Alexander, 2010) The third and most vital step of the entrepreneurial cycle is Business Model Generation which is an implementation stage for the business. It requires creation of the Business Model Canvas that requires Value Chain Analysis to be applied. Business model generating is the fundamental stage for an entrepreneurial cycle and an entrepreneur should ideally develop, design and tests possible models for the business. Having various models for the business allows entrepreneurs with choice of options to test each prior to their application. While generation of innovative ideas for the business, an entrepreneur should recognize disruptive technologies, innovations(Alexander, 2010). For Campbell Soups business model innovation centered on creating extraordinary shareholder value. The company aimed to develop business model by being a leader in the marketplace, along with winning in its own workplace. Thus, they linked success at their workplace to create winning ambience in the external environ ment of the company. Figure 2 : Business Model Canvas Source : (Vargas, 2015) A Business Model Canvas (BMC) is a strategic management tool that entrepreneurs use for documenting their businesses. It includes companys products value proposition, customer, finances, infrastructure by aligning them with their potential trade-offs. The above figure is an ideal depiction of BMC that uses key strategic resources of the firm to provide value to its customers. Campbell Soups business model was designed by complying with the BMC for the company(Chesbrough, 2007). Key Activities: Its key activities in business, which includes implementing companys value proposition as for Campbell Soups its value proposition was centralized on creation of soups of varying types that could satisfy the taste buds of customers and thereby increase companys market share. Key Resources: These can be viewed as resources that helps create value for customers and these are assets for the company(Sharma, 2011). Campbell Soups CEO realized that employees are the most valued resource for the company and can initiate and help bring a change into the current business processes. Thus the key resources, being human resources once they were diagnosed, there were engagement programs for helping them execute the strategies for being an extraordinary company. Competitors of the company had high engagement ratios for its employees to derive competitive strengths for their companies as well(Drucker, 2014). Partner Network: This proposition in the canvas helps businesses reduce risks of its business model by enhancing buyer-supplier relationship. Campbell Soups was focused on deriving value from its entire value chain with a widely engaged network. The CEO of the company believes that for the entire company and its processes to be innovative and extraordinary value needs to be derived from the entire value chain and not just from only products. Value Propositions: These are collection of products to meet customers demands and expectations. This helps a company establish its core competency and distinguish itself from its competitors by considerable competitive advantage(Trimi, 2012). Campbell Soups first kind of innovation was microwaveable soups which was started in 2002 called Soup at Hand. This product attracted high number of customers and led the company to becoming $250 million microwaveable soup business. Second innovative product of the company was soups with low sodium content, this attracted a lot of senior buyers. They created 43 types of low sodium variety soups with the help of natural sea salt and other technology(Nguyen, 2010). This product created a buzz and ended up being another $400million product band. Then he company introduced V8 vegetable juice and V8 Fusion which was vegetable juice with fruit juice. This product was very well accepted by customers as it had high health benefits associated with it an d a sweet flavor that appealed to their taste buds. Customer Segment: Customers are the source of revenue for any type of business, hence a business needs to identify its target market segment(Kirzner, 2015). For Campbell Soups products was offered for all types of customers genders, income groups, age groups and geographic segments. Its soups have good taste and are a healthy snacking alternative that easily satisfy taste buds of individuals. Its further product addition helps in attending to a broader market segment. Channels: A company needs to establish relationship with its customers through a proper channel. Campbell Soups has an established channel for distribution of its various types of soups and juices. It markets its products by use of retail distributors, supermarkets, stores and other outlets(Johnson, 2008). Customer Relationships: For creating sustenance for their businesses, companies need to identify relationships it wants to create with its customers segments. Campbell Soups engages in communities to help receive feedback from its customers. Further it has a website and email address where customers can provide feedback and any grievances for the company. Finances: It encompasses the consequences for functioning under the specified business model. For Campbell Soups the primary focus was to improve year on year and to deliver returns to investors. By implementing its business plans and model it has been able to achieve 16% per year overtaking all competitors in the market(Frederick, 2007). The most important criteria for the company was to get adequate returns on the capital invested in the firm and through proper planning it has been able to achieve the same. Revenue Streams: It comprises of the various incomes that a company makes from each of its customer segment. For Campbell soups it new product developments have crated tremendous potential and market capabilities for the company enhancing its effectiveness. Thus, all such products and consumer segment helps generate revenues for the company. Resources: Another integral step to entrepreneurial success is resource acquisition, which is critical to apply any plan and strategy for the company. Finance and other resources required by the company is integral to success of the company as in absence of any required resource, it will not be able to successfully implement its plans and strategies. Campbell Soup Company made significant amount of investment in order to revive their business. Its further investment in resources included its employee engagement programs. The strength of applying Business Model is primarily focus. Its design helps guide and drawing attention to the key activities of the business(Chesbrough, 2010). It also establishes concept regarding one aspects relation to the other. The other strength of Business Model includes speed and agility as its key principle focuses on quality rather on quantity. It helps determine key inputs for each building block that will help attain possible results unlike SWOT that is a filling up exercise merely. Third and most important aspect of Business Model is that it is focused on common language and helps get adequate feedback(Parker, 2006). Thus, its applicability is greater than other processes in creating business model. Hence it is centered on value proposition for the business by depicting control variables on left and relating them to market aspects to the right. Thus, for Campbell Soups it serves immense purpose of serving adequate resources identification for driving growth for its bus iness. Its proposed business model has helped it grow and catered to its goals. The weaknesses of Business Model are that it does not include the companys strategic purpose. The vision, mission of the company is excluded from the model. Hence it focuses on revenue or profits as goals for the company. Secondly Business model excludes competitive notions. It ignores competition and considers internal aspects of the company on the money-making logic. Thirdly Business model mixes levels of abstraction. All nine elements in the Business model are explained at same level of aggregation compared to other elements thus certain parts receive much more emphasis compared to other parts(Stevenson, 2007). Campbell Soups has not nee able to define its strategic plans by the use of this model and has also excluded its competitive strategy which is a major drawback of its model. In order to grow further the business needs to identify and adopt tools of innovation from entrepreneurial life cycle theories. Various theories of innovation suggests ways and means by which companies can further expand their capacities and grow. There are processes of innovation as open innovation and closed innovation. Further, entrepreneurs can apply lean start-up theories to apply and grow in their current businesses. Lean start-up theories is based on lean manufacturing processes and helps in reducing waste in businesses. Companies can also capitalize on Absorptive Capacity that can help recognize new innovation and help them grow. Customer Journey Mapping is another popular way of helping companies recognize ways and means to grow from their current state(Colombo, 2008). Conclusion Entrepreneurship is the process by which an individual forms or sets-up business. Every entrepreneur has their own sets of ideas and innovative processes. While innovation continues to be the heart of entrepreneurial processes its execution if lacks the correct essence then the whole ventures gets failed. Hence, research has a high depiction of business start-ups failing. Entrepreneurial life cycle is a step by step process that guides and entrepreneur to reach the envisioned goals of the company. In order to do so a business model is prepared, to put in papers deliverables of an entrepreneurial venture. Business Model Canvas on the other hand is a depiction all key resources and capabilities of the firm put into practice that can help deliver value propositions to customers. Case study for Campbell Soups provides valuable insight into various processes followed by a company to form a business model canvas and execute the same by having tremendous importance attached to them. Though there are underlying strengths and weaknesses of business model as it does not help attain to business strategic plans, but it provides a meaning direction to attaining companys tangible benefits as profits, market share, returns on investment, revenue and so on. Thus, for future growth and development using such alternatives needs to be highly focused on the process of innovation by deploying various norms and practices. References Alexander, O. and Yves, P., 2010. Business model generation.Business Model Canvas, explanation and concept of the Business Model canvas, pp.89-107. Chesbrough, H., 2007. 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Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Complete free essay sample
I told myself, This is high school, try to make your Enron year best out of it! I started to get into trouble with the law, and had bad grades in some of my classes. My counselor called me out of class one day when I was in athletic. After have a short little meeting with my counselor, she told me that I wasnt going to graduate high school if kept doing badly in my classes. I went home and told my mom what my counselor had told me. During this point of my life, my lovely mother taught me a treasured and powerful lesson of being responsible for my own acts.The first thing needed for myself was to arrive at the party with drinks, ND alcohol. I couldnt party without drinks I needed beer to get me savage for the night. The party was hosted by Willie at his dads ranch. The ranch had tall grass on the field, and an old house behind the wooden area. The old house was rusty, sitting side way, and the windows were broken too. Also there were some old school cars just parked in the woods getting all rusty, and old ranch tractors. I brought my football teammates with me every time would go party, they were my body guards.My teammates were Joe, Henry, Willie and Marco. We all played together on the varsity football team. Joe was one of the top running backs in the nation. Joe was 18 years old, muscular, tall African American and his position was running back. Henry was 18 years old, really skinny, tall, Hispanic and his position was kicker. Willie was 19 years old, chubby, tall, Hispanic and his position was quarterback. Marco was younger than all of us 1 7 years old, muscular, tall, white, and his position was linebacker. We would all play, Beer Pong and that game would get us really drunk. It was the fun part of the party. Some random chicks would join our game and get wasted with us for the night. The party was at Willie dads ranch in Rose City, Texas. It was deep in the country, all I could smell was burned wood, and I could see a lot of smoke going to air from few miles away. Also, could hear a lot Of animals growling like goats, dogs, horses, pigs and chickens. Felt like was in the middle of the woods surrounded with tons of animals. It was three Oclock in the morning, Im on my way back home with my teammates from the party. I was drunk, and I decided to drive my parents car.When I started to drive, all I could see was blurry lights in my eyes. I Hough I was becoming blind or something was wrong with me. Kept looking at myself in the middle mirror of the car, to see if had anything in my eyes. I got on 130 highway heading home. I was swerving and switching lanes while cars were next to my lane. I almost crashed into a SUB. A car that was right behind me took a picture of my parents car, license plate, then called 911. People were that saw me swerving on the highway they flashed their high beam headlights. Was getting mad because they kept doing and it bothered my eyes while I was driving.A couple miles away from where people took picture of my parents car license plate, a state trooper officer turned his sirens and the lights on. The officer pulled me over to the side of the road on the highway. When saw the officer walking toward to my parents car, I got really scared to death, and area close to cry. My heart was pounding really fast like I Was going have a heart attack. Immediately, the state trooper started to ask me tons of questions. First, he asked me what my name was, and where I was coming from. Then he said, Have you been drinking? I replied, No, sir. With my words shaking. Officer aid, l can smell alcohol coming out of your mouth. Officer said, Please step out of the car. When the officer told get out of the car, was scared because I didnt know what they would do to me. The officer called for a backup to come and help him out with my teammates that were in the car. Six more police officers showed up with their lights on and got off of the car quickly. They all walked to my parents car. Each officer had one of my teammates and asked questions. After he had called for a backup, the officer did me a breathalyzer test.Meanwhile, the officer said, You are over the influence and o are under arrested. I was charged with a DID. The officer put me in the back of his car, and I saw my teammates getting arrested too. One person went in each police officer car, and then officer brought in a K-9 dog to see if we had any drugs with us. Next, heard the officer calling a tow truck to come pick up my parents car. A couple of minutes, later had arrived too local city jail. The officer that works at the station had booked me in. She took me a mug shot of me, and had a small board on my hands.On the board that had in my hands said, my name, and the date of birth. After I was arrested by the state trooper, I was really scared because didnt want my parents to find out what just had happened to me. I was speechless when I had to call my parents from jail. Had missed a week of school, and my football head coach kept calling my parents to see where I was. Coach asked Why your son hasnt been showing up to school. My parents had told him that I was still in jail, explained him what had happened. Few days later I came back to school from the biggest mistake Ive done in my life.On the day I went back to school, my football coach had just kicked me out of the team. He made me clear out my locker, while I was cleaning out my locker I had looked around, and I had seen my teammates locker that were with me that night. Their locker were clean out, and they didnt have their name tag at all either. Was supposed to get a scholarship, but then I ruined everything. Coach said, Mr.. Ventura, Im really sad for the acts you did, and you will not be receiving a scholarship anymore. Joe, was the biggest star on our football team. He was being scouted by multiple football coaches, from big universities.
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