Thursday, November 28, 2019
ADD essays
ADD essays Blau, Melinda, "ADD: The Scariest Letters In The Alphabet," New York Magazine, December, 13, 1993, p. ______________"Hyperactivity and Glucose Metabolism," Nutrition Research Newsletter, Dec. 1990, Vol. 9, p. Rief, Sandra F., "How to Reach and Teach ADD/ADHD Children, Practical Techniques, Strategies and Interventions For Helping Children with Attention Problems and Hyperactivity," (West Nyack, NY: The Center For Applied Research in Education, 1993, pp. 71, 70 Silver, Larry B., M.D. "ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Learning Disabilities, Booklet For the Classroom Teacher, pp. 6-8 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) are increasingly being discussed, at least to some extent, interchangeably. It has captured the attention of educators everywhere, and victims are most frequently referred to the case worker within the respective educational institution. Throughout this paper, there will be a reflection of that understanding which we have come to know regarding this somewhat enigmatic disorder. Similarly, causes, treatments, and strategies shall also be approached. For the most part, there is an ongoing conjoinment of both drugs as well as intervention. Similarly, and as indicated throughout this research paper, ADD/ADHD ranks as arguably the most often and pervasive subject of study. The Diagnosis and Statistic Manual Of Mental Disorders (DSM-III-R) offers a definition for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, it should also be noted that this definition is merely tentative, and, as in the past, shall continue to undergo increased revision. For discussionary purpose, however, this author shall elaborate upon both disorders as well as their symptoms, i.e. hyperactivity, distractibility, and impulsivity, to name three. Similarly, this research paper has inducted insight from stu...
Sunday, November 24, 2019
The Universe and the Cosmological Argument essays
The Universe and the Cosmological Argument essays Cosmology has always been an interesting area of study for me. For as long as I can remember, every time I look up at the night sky, a million questions pop into my head. Questions such as "Is there intelligent life out there?" "How large is space, does it expand infinitely, if it does, what does it expand into?" These and many other questions still plague my mind. We can define Cosmology as the study of the heavens as a whole, including theories about its origin, evolution, large-scale structure, and future. I would agree with this description and would like to explain my point of view of the topics that Cosmology covers. Personally, I tend to believe that the big bang theory may have an explanation for the current state of our universe. The idea that all of this exploded from a super mass isn't too hard to believe. It gives good reason to the expansion of the universe, and the 360-degree view of the universe (this because the explosion would have sent mass outward in every direction), but I wouldn't think of it as the origin of the universe. I mean, in my mind, something had to be there to cause this super mass. Was the universe contracting until it formed this huge mass? I believe that we may never know how the universe came about, rather have some idea as to what came directly before it's current state as well as before that and so on. We could come up with ideas until we die, and someone would just continue in our footsteps. I do have one idea as to how this super mass which is the being behind the big bang theory came to be one mass. Scientists, as well as philosophers and just about anyone you talk to, can tell you that the universe is still expanding today, possibly because of the big bang. Though no one could tell you how this super mass came to be, or how it originated. I believe that there is a never-ending cycle of the expansion and contraction of the entire universe. The universe as we know it now is in a state of e...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Microsoft Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Microsoft - Essay Example Microsoft name is a combination of the word â€Å"Microcomputer Software†. It is founded in Albuquerque, New Mexico on April 4, 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen. They used to develop and sell BASIC interpreters for the Altair 8800. The company is on the Fortune 500 list of companies as of 2005 (Wikipedia, 2006). Secure wireless networking: When wireless networking started several years ago, it was called as Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP). The WEP was not providing the privacy equivalent of a wired network. WEP is easy to crack. WPA or WiFi Protected Access was created in 2003 to overcome the privacy issues of WEP. In 2004, the third generation of wireless networking encryption, known as WPA2 came along. 64-bit, multiple-core computing: The 32-bit microprocessors are replaced by the 64-bit microprocessors in 2005 and these microprocessors can handle twice the data than the earlier version of 32-bit microprocessors. In addition, they can handle particularly more memory. That will be important for businesses with huge databases. The new 64-bit chips also can handle 32-bit programs natively. That means 32-bit programs will continue to run. Most likely, all of the programs today are 32-bit. Microsoft Windows Vista: Microsoft plans to introduce Windows Vista by the end of 2006. Vista will offer improvements on XP in a number of areas. High-speed Internet connections have become more common today. Web services: Recently, Bill Gates announced that Microsoft plans to put Office and other applications online. When Microsoft acts, the technology has arrived. Look for more Web services from Microsoft in 2006 (Komando, 2006). Microsoft commands a larger share of the desktop PC software market than any other company in the world. Its Operating System Windows is installed on more than 93% of desktops worldwide. Macintosh and Linux are considered as the two closest OS
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Qualitative & Quantitative Designs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Qualitative & Quantitative Designs - Essay Example Both research designs are suitable for establishing how lack of communication is increasingly becoming a business problem within non-profit organizations. However, each approach has inherent strengths and weaknesses that make them suitable or not to solve the business problem. Establishing the issue of miscommunication in non-profit organizations can be successful due to the strengths associated with the qualitative research design. Such a design gives insight and explores the significance of miscommunication as a business problem. For example, the article uses the grounded theory approach, which is a qualitative research design. It is evident that qualitative research design is holistic as it approaches the issue right from its stem to its effect on business performance. It involves interviewing and reviewing the records held by the non-profit organization. The results are supported by the data obtained from interviews and observations. However, the method is quite broad. It covers a wide area and even includes items that have not been affected by the business problem. It takes a lot of time to research the issue at hand because the researcher had to formulate, test, and establish propositions until the problem is established. On the other hand, the quantitative research design successfully establishes the problem and dissects is cause and effect relationship. In addition, the method allows relationships to be tested, hence it is objective. The method is time saving or reductionistic as it only test items that are affected. The aspects of business performance affected by miscommunication include high staff turnover and reduced corporate social responsibility functions. The method tests theories and employs statistical analysis of figures. However, the method is limited by the fact that it generalizes items in an attempt to establish the cause and effect relationship. It might not be
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Electronic advertising Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Electronic advertising - Literature review Example In the survey the researcher emphasizes on the persuasive power and nature of advertising and how it is able to shift the customer preferences in relation to the products. The purposes of advertisement is to alter the preferences and tastes of the customers and consumers in relation to the products of the established companies and businesses or in relation to the operations of the company reputations (Doraszelski, Ulrich, Markovich, & Sarit, 2007).This information falls in line with the study of the use of electronic advertising for the purposes of obtaining a competitive advantage in Ghana since it has a comprehensive investigation into the nexus between electronic advertisement and the competitive advantages to companies (Yucelet, Uger.L., & Erderner, 1999). Developments in Advertising Advertising is a very important aspect of companies ability to sell out its products to the consumers .Consumers are very sensitive to the trends , fashions and the development of products within the economy. Forecasts show that the electronic media advertising in Ghana has been developing exponentially over the years (Asiamah, 2012). Research in this area of electronic advertising in Ghana has taken various avenues with many researchers having done case studies of the approaches and methodologies that are applied by the major companies in the country and the results of their means of electronic advertisements. (Asiamah, 2012) analyzed the impacts of the electronic media in the sales of in the country and the relative efficiency of this type of marketing on the business profitability .Further analysis and studies by Zoubkov et al. emphasized on the developments that have occurred in the industry of electronic advertisements in the country and how effective it has had impacts on the developments in the business industry of the country (Ford & Rochwell, 2002). Marketing and especially electronic advertising the act of arresting the intelligence of the humans for the longest time possible so as to be able to get money from the individuals (Bagdikian, 2000).Advertising has been in existence since the early centuries and the first of advertisement were observed in 300 BC when the Babylonians were observed to have been using store signs and street barkers for the promotion of their wares in stores and their business (Zoubkov, Johnson, Young, Fletcher, & Thomas, 2004).With the evolution and development of the mass media advertising has been embedded in our daily lives ,hence the electronic advertising has become the chore of the advertising with many advertisements barraging the daily entertainment and mass media communication means from the social sites to public media like the television ,radio and internet (Christine, 2010). The advertising industry has advanced in the techniques of operations with every year hence the development and sophistication of the approaches that are used at almost all the levels ,nationally and internationally hence the need for qui ck adaptations to enable sustainability and success of businesses. Advertising has lead to the development of consumerism and has made the luxuries of society to turn into needs and made needs to be where they
Friday, November 15, 2019
PepsiCo Buyer Behaviour Analysis
PepsiCo Buyer Behaviour Analysis Buyer Behavior for Consumer Market Introduction In the summer of 1898, In New Bern, North Carolina, a young pharmacist named Caleb Bradham began experimenting with combinations of spices, juices and syrup trying to create refreshing new drinks to serve his customers. He succeeded beyond expectations by inventing new beverages know as Pepsi-Cola. Nowadays, Pepsi is a well known soft drink in all over the world. From its humble beginnings over a century ago, Pepsi-Cola has grown to become one of the best-known, most-loved products throughout the world. And the company behind it PepsiCo has grown as well, standing today as the premier marketer of refreshment beverages, juices and snack foods. They have consumer in over 200 countries in the whole world. The company offers more than 500 beverages and snack that appeal to every age of consumer age group and demographic category. Today, PepsiCo is a $29 billion company, employing more than 150,000 people speaking more than 40 languages around the globe. The company is consistently recognized for its corporate citizenship, philanthropic efforts and diversity programs. It is the worlds fourth-largest food and beverage company and is staking its claim as the global leader in convenience foods and beverages. PepsiCo has a strong plan to continue to expand with an enormous lineup of convenience foods and drinks that provide great taste, nutrition and fun around the clock. Here is the list of Pepsi Co brands and products. Mirinda, 7UP (International), Pepsi Limà ³n, Kas, Teem, Pepsi Max, Pepsi Light, Starbucks Doubleshot (Partnership), Starbucks Doubleshot, Energy (Partnership) Starbucks Iced Coffee (Partnership), Tropicana Twister, and Mountain Dew. Model of Consumer Behavior Consumer makes many buying decision every day. Many large companies do some research about consumer buying decision in great detail to answer questions what will customer buy, where they buy, how much they, when they buy and why they will buy those product. According to Principles of Marketing, Kotler (2008) Consumer Buyer Behavior refers to the buying behavior of final consumer which are individuals and households who buy goods and services for personal consumptions. The entire final consumer combines to make a consumer market. Many big companies did a lot of marketing effort to attract the consumer to buy their product. For example, Pepsi Company. The company did a lot of marketing effort to attract the consumer such as advertising, survey, promotion and apply the 4 Ps to make the consumer aware about their product. The question here is, how did the consumer respond to the various marketing effort that Pepsi company use? Model of buyer behavior consist of Marketing and other stimuli, Buyers black box and Buyer Responses. Marketing and other stimuli will enter the consumers black box and produce certain responses. So marketers need to figure out what is in the buyers black box. Marketing stimuli consist of the Four Ps which are Product, Price, Place and Promotions. Other stimuli included major forces and events in the buyers environment such as economic, technological, political and cultural. All the inputs will enter the buyers black box, where they are turned into a set of observable buyer responses. Under buyer responses there are product choice, brand choice, dealer choice, purchase timing and purchase amount. Consumers do not make their decisions in a void. Their purchases are highly influenced by cultural social, personal, and psychological factors. Here some of that influence the behavior or the particular market: Cultural Factor Cultural factor divided into three sub factors Culture, Sub Culture, Social Class. Culture is the set of basic values perceptions, wants, and behaviors learned by a member of society from family and other important institutions. Culture is the most basic cause of a persons wants and behavior. Every group or society has a culture, and cultural influences on buying behavior may vary greatly from country to country. Based on the case study, we are doing a Pepsi brands in Malaysia. Malaysia has many races of people such as Malay, Chinese, Indian and many more. Now days many people choose to drink Pepsi because it is Halal and did not contain any alcohol. It is because most culture in Malaysia did not allowed them to drink alcohol. So for teenager of adult who cannot drink an alcohol drink, they can choose to drink Pepsi. Other than that, now day culture in Malaysia more shift towards greater concern about health and fitness. This had brought a lot of huge industry for health fitness services, more natural foods and variety of diets. So for Pepsi company which serve soft drinks, they had come with a new products known as Pepsi Max which has less sugar and gas to fulfill the new culture of Malaysian people. Sub Culture is a group of people with shared value systems based on common life experiences and situations. Each culture contains smaller sub cultures a group of people with shared value system based on common life experiences and situations. Sub culture includes nationalities, religions, racial group and geographic regions. Many sub culture make up important market segments and marketers often design products. For Pepsi company, sub culture is very important in influencing the consumer to buy their products. They need to target consumer based on their nationalities, religions, racial group and geographic regions. For nationalities, Pepsi must aware about any country that did not allowed their people to take soft drinks. For example, India. They had once ban Pepsi in their country because of the sugar contain in Pepsi. According to Marketing, Kotler (2008), Many subcultures make up important market segments, and marketers often design products and marketing programs tailored to their needs. Pepsi should not make an advertisement which can touch the sensitiveness of any religions, nationalities and others. Social Class Almost every society has some form of social structure, social classes are societys relatively permanent and ordered divisions whose members share similar values, interests and behavior. Social class did not determined by a single factors such as incomes, but it measured as a combination of occupation, income, education, wealth, and other variables. Marketers are interested in social class because people within given social class tend to exhibit similar buying behavior. Social Factors A consumers behavior also is influenced by social factors, such as the Groups, Family, Roles and status. Groups are two or more people who interact to accomplish individual or mutual goals. A persons behaviors are influenced by many small groups. Groups that have a direct influence and to which a person belongs are called membership groups. Some are primary groups includes family, friends, neighbours and coworkers. Some are secondary groups, which are more formal and have less regular interaction. These include organizations like religious groups, professional association and trade unions. For groups, it is much easier for Pepsi to attract them to buy their products. Because a single member of the groups can influences almost all the group member to follow them. For example, a leader in one group can influenced the members to buy Pepsi as part of the group activities. Family members can strongly influence buyer behavior. The family is the most important consumer buying organization society and it has been researched extensively. Marketers are interested in the roles, and influence of the husband, wife and children on the purchase of different products and services. In this social class, Pepsi need to target the children because they are the people who will consume more Pepsi. But of cause they will ask their parents to buy the products. So Parents is the customer and Children is the consumer. Roles and Status is a person belongs to many groups, family, clubs, organizations. The persons position in each group can be defined in terms of both role and status. For example, Mdm Airis plays the role of Mother, in her family she plays the role of wife, and in her company, she plays the role of manager. A Role consists of the activities people are expected to perform according to the persons around them. Personal Factors Personal factors consists of Age and life cycle stage, Occupation, Economic situation, Life Style, and Personality and self concept. Age and Life cycle Stage is People changes the goods and services they buy over their lifetimes. Tastes in food, clothes, furniture, and recreation are often age related. Buying is also shaped by the stage of the family life cycle. Here Pepsi cannot target the all age of people to buy their products. They should target consumer from children, to teenagers and finally the adults. Because nowdays many people concern about their health. So they will try to avoid any soft drinks that have a lot of sugar and gas. This will affect their health. Occupation is a persons occupation affects the goods and services bought. Blue collar workers tend to buy more rugged work clothes, whereas white-collar workers buy more business suits. A Company can even specialize in making products needed by a given occupational group. Thus, computer software companies will design different products for brand managers, accountants, engineers, lawyers, and doctors. From here we can conclude that only working people can purchase Pepsi products. But not every one of them will purchase Pepsi. So Pepsi need to find a thing or a person to influence them. For example, advertisement is the best tools to influence them or for parents, children are their best factors to influence them to buy Pepsi products. Economic situation is a persons economic situation will affect product choice. Life Style is a persons Pattern of living, understanding these forces involves measuring consumers major AIO dimensions. For example, activities such as Work, hobbies, shopping, support. Other than that interest, Food, fashion, family recreation and opinions about themselves, Business, Products Personality and Self concept each persons distinct personality influence his or her buying behavior. Personality refers to the unique psychological characteristics that lead to relatively consistent and lasting responses to ones own environment. Psychological Factors Psychological factors consist of Motivation, Perception, Learning, Beliefs and attitudes Motivation. Motive drives a need that is sufficiently pressing to direct the person to seek satisfaction of the need. Perception, The process by which people select, Organize, and interpret information to form a meaningful picture of the world. Learning is Changes in an individuals behavior arising from experience. Beliefs and attitudes. Belief is a descriptive thought that a person holds about something Attitude, a Persons consistently favorable or unfavorable evaluations, feelings, and tendencies towards an object or idea. Marketing Research Technique INTRODUCTION According to Malhotra (1996), Market Research can be defined as a key element within the total field of marketing information. Its links the consumer, customer and public to the market through information which is to identify and define marketing opportunities and problems generate, refine and evaluate marketing actions while improved the understanding of marketing as a process and of the ways in which specific marketing activities can be made more effective. This is for the reason that its always incorporates some form of the data collection whether it is secondary research (often referred to as desk research) or primary research which is collected direct from a respondent. While based on the case study we know that Pepsi Co is one of the most famous company that produce soft drink and some other product. Subsequently to get the information about Pepsi Co we need to do the market research so that we will know how far the customer or consumer is satisfied with the Pepsi product as well. This is because without the market research they might be tough for Pepsi Co to know about the level of satisfaction of their customer towards their product that has been produce by them. Consequently to get the work become more efficient we will follow the step on market research which is the first step is we will apply the web site method to get the first condition and perception about the Pepsi Co. This is because through the web site method we will get extra information such as the impression, background, financial and so on about the Pepsi Co. Next we will make some preparation on preparing the questionnaire about Pepsi Co which is in the questionnaire include some of the question about how society get know about the Pepsi Co and how much they spend to buy Pepsi product. On top of that the 20 sheet of questionnaire has been distributed towards the people around the Kuala Lumpur Convention Center (KLCC) which is the trendiest place that all people knew bout it. The data analysis will analyze by 20 people around there with the different age and occupation. Finally the data that has been collected will be prepared and presented in the best way. Primary data collection can be considered as one of the extra sources because is needed when a researcher cannot find the data needed in secondary sources. Market researchers are interested in primary data about demographic, socioeconomic, characteristics, attitudes or opinions or interests, awareness or knowledge, intentions, motivation, and behavior. Three basic means of obtain by primary data are observation, surveys, and experiments. The choice will be influenced by the nature of the problem and by the availability of time and money. SURVEY According to Business (2009), Survey can be defined as the collection of data from a given population for the reason of analysis of a particular issue. Data that frequently collected from a sample of a population, knows as a sample of survey. As we already informed surveys is one of the ways that are used widely in research, especially in market research to find some information or any feedback from others towards some product. Besides that there have 4 types of survey which is include personal interview, self-administrated surveys, telephone interviews and direct observation. In order to collect the information of Pepsi Co we were applying 2 types of survey which is personal interview and self administrated surveys which are made by us as well. Personal Interview According to Business (2009), Personal Interview can be defined as a market research technique for gathering information through face-to-face while contact with individuals. Personal interviews take place in a variety of place like settings-in homes, at shopping malls, in a business office and so forth. One of the personal interviews is face-to face interviews which is this interview are conducted between a market researcher and a respondent. Then the data is collected on a survey. Some surveys are very rigid or structured and use closed questions. So that the data is easy to compared with others. Further about face-to-face interviews is more in strength, and depend upon more open forms of questioning. The research will investigate and develop points of interest. While based on the case study, we were takes place in KLCC to do the research up about the Pepsi Co which is the trendiest area in the Kuala Lumpur. We chose this place because on a daily basis there is more people visit that place and most of them are from people around the Malaysia. Consequently we use the face to face interview because easy to get feedback from them and we can get the information on the spot. On top of that Pepsi Co can get directly more explanation from them because they can through out what they felt about the product that has been produced by Pepsi Co. Self-Administrated Surveys A self-administrated survey is one in which the respondent completes the survey on his or her. While as we know Questionnaires are usually printed on paper, but they might be in other ways like programmed into computer and places on the internet and ask for the respond. However, Self-administrated questionnaires present a challenge to the marketing researcher because they really on the efficiency of the written word rather than the skills of the interviewer. Self-administrated surveys are attractive because they are low in cost, and they avoid interviewer evaluation apprehension or worry. While based on the case study, when we do the survey about Pepsi Co we would just used pen and a paper to make the survey complete. Instead of that the people that has been ask for complete the survey questionnaire will directly respond on the questionnaire. Consequently we can get the result of the information directly of the questionnaire which is has been complete by the respondent. Telephone Interviews Telephone interviews also can be consider as one of the techniques that can be done to make our survey complete which is telephone interviews is also one of the key under the survey method. Telephone interview can be defined as an interview that gathers information through telephone contact with individuals. This means that the interviewers will call their respondent to get the feedback or respond from their customers. As a result the information that gathers would help us as well to make changes towards our product that has been survey. Direct Mail While surveys also can be made by using the direct mail which is the interviewers will send the questionnaire through the email so that the respondent can give the feedback form there using the mail responded .Example like company A which is the interviewer and in order to evaluate their performance towards society they will try to make and Direct mail interview which is they will send some question that will be in questionnaire and may be might ask about their company services that has been provided to society and they will sent the questionnaire to Company B which the interviewee. On this cases the company will receive the questionnaire form in direct mail from the Company B. So as the respondent Company B will return the answer also in mail form which is they will send back to Company A Through this method its give lots of pros towards the company which is can save cost in order to prepared the questionnaire because through the direct mail its the company can save cost OBSERVATION The market research technique is not just only based on the survey method, this is because Observation also one of the method that can be used to collect the information on the level of satisfaction towards Pepsi product. Observation can be easily defined as the systematic process of recording the behavioral patterns of people, object and occurrences without questioning or otherwise communicating with them. Observations can be divide into two types which is having as human observation and mechanical observation. As a Marketing Research officer for Pepsi Co we were use both types of observation to know what behavior of people or society towards the Pepsi Product. Observation as a methodical process of recording the behavioral patterns of people, objects and event without questioning or else communicating with them. Observation can be divides into two types which are as the chart show above two types of observation is Human observation and Mechanical observation which is can be implementing by Pepsi Co in order to observe their customers. Human Observation Human observation can be defined as self explanatory, using human observers to collect data in the study. We can do the observation by human observation. It means that we use human as the observers which is we can just look and interpret what they do, what feeling are they, or else from their body languages. We can know what their feel now such as happy, enjoy, bored and so forth towards the product of Pepsi. Other than that through the human observation the best technique that can be implement by the Pepsi Co to evaluate their customer feelings is through facial reaction of the customer which is can be in their smiles, raised eyebrows an head nods as well. As a result we can automatically analyze how the customer sense towards the product of the Pepsi. Besides that Pepsi Co also can used the direct observation in order to observe the customer of their product. Which is they can straightly observe the customer behavior towards the Pepsi product Mechanical Observation Mechanical observation involves using various types of machines in order to gather the information, data, which is then interpreted by researchers. On a daily basis we are already know that with the continuing improvements in technology, there are lots of mechanical ways that can be used in order to capturing data in observation studies however, these new gadgets tend to be extremely expensive. The most commonly used and least expensive means of mechanically gathering data in an observation study is a video camera. A video camera offers a much more precise means of collecting data than what can simply be recorded by a human observer. Based on the case study we know that in order to observe the customer we can implement the other ways which is like Mechanical Observation as a Marketing Research Officer we try to look forward on the ways of implementing the mechanical observation this is because they will make our work become more easily with the observation for employees or customers of the Pepsi Co. Otherwise Pepsi Co can used the CCTV which is to get the information without knowing by other people. Example that can be stated at here is like Pepsi Company in order to observe their employees in all departments like marketing department, chemical department which is this entire department were play and important role while producing and made the product Pepsi. Consequently we can see the action that shows by them is humble, lazy, and friendly and so forth. Indirectly, Pepsi Co can manage or take an action towards the employee which is not performing effective and efficient towards their work. Other than that we also can used the Video in order to observe the behavioral of the customer while the purchase the Pepsi product and we can see how they felt either satisfy or not which the number of purchase. Conclusion While based on my point of view the conclusion that can be made at here is survey is a type of research which is comparatively costly, because it requires a staff of interviewers, but it provides the best opportunity to obtain information through probing for clearer explanations. Consequently, we can know what people in KLCC feel about the Pepsi product. This is because the respondent can tell us what they feel. Ultimately, we can know either they satisfy or not about the performance of the Pepsi product or not. Besides that the personal style (tone of voice, rewording of a question) and biases of each interviewer can affect how the participants respond and how the responses are recorded. As a result, we can get information from our recorded such as from video recorded. While from mechanical observation, we must spend more time to get the information. At the same times, we cannot observe the feeling of people in this campus because we cannot ask then but just take their photo or vide o. On the whole, for us, survey is the best technique to use early on in the research process when the researcher is not yet sure which questions need to be asked, because new and better questions can come out of the dialogue. SWOT ANANLYSIS Introduction According to (2009), secondary data is an existing primary data that was collected by someone else or for a purpose other that the current one. It depending on whether the data come from inside and outside the organization needing to research. In secondary data, it divided into two parts of sources such as internal and external secondary data. Internal secondary data are data that have been collected and exits inside the business firm or other organization. External secondary data is data from outside that firm. According to Business (2009) SWOT is a tool that identifies the strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats of an organization. Specifically, SWOT is a basic, straightforward model that assesses what an organization can and cannot do as well as its potential opportunities and threats. The method of SWOT analysis is to take the information from an environmental analysis and separate in into internal such as strengths and weaknesses and external issues such as opportunities and threats. Once this is completed, SWOT analysis determines what may assist the firm in accomplishing its objectives, and what obstacles must be overcome or minimized to achieve desire result. Based on case study, to be comes a strong business strategy, Pepsi Co can used SWOT analysis that helped it become stronger competitor in other way Pepsi Co must identify which is their strength, weakness, opportunity and threat? SWOT Analysis of PEPSI Co The Pepsi Company is a leading manufacture, distributor and marketer of non-alcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups, in the world. Pepsi has a strong brand name and brand portfolio. Business-week and Interbrain, a branding consultancy, recognize Pepsi as one the leading brand in their top 100 global brand ranking in 2006. The business week-interbrain value Pepsi $67,000 million in 2006. Pepsi ranks well ahead of its close competitor Coco-Cola which has a ranking of 22 having brand value $12,690 million the companys strong brand value facilitates customer recall and allows Pepsi to penetrate markets. On the other hand, the company is threatened by intense competition which could have an adverse impact on the company market share. Strengths Strong brands allow the company to introduce brand extension such as Pepsi max, Pepsi Cola, Pepsi Twist, Pepsi Diet, Pepsi Light over the year; the company has made large investments in brand promotion. Consequently, Pepsi is one of the best recognized global brands. The companys strong brand value facilitates customer recall and allows Pepsi to penetrate new market and consolidate existing ones. Pepsi has been a complex part of world culture for a very long time and they take a good qualities control of their product by take important on qualities processes n also procedures to maintain their customer satisfaction. They have a unique product image and the products image is loaded with over-romanticizing and this is an image many people have taken deeply to heart. The Pepsi image is displayed on T-shirts, hats and collectible memorabilia and many more. This extremely recognizable branding is one of Pepsis greatest strengths. It allows them to conduct business on a global scale while at the same time maintain a local approach. The bottling companies are locally owned and operated by independent business people who are authorized to sell product of the Pepsi Company. Because Cola does not have outright ownership of its bottling network, its main source of revenue is the sale of concentrate to its bottlers. Weaknesses Weaknesses for any business need to be both minimized and monitored in order to effectively achieve productive and efficiency in their business activities, Pepsi have no exception. Even though domestic business as well as many international market are thriving volumes in Latin America were up 12%, Pepsi has recently reported some decliners in unit case volumes in Indonesia and Thailand due to reduce consumer purchasing power. According to an article in Fortune magazine, in Japan, unit case sales fell 3% in the second quarter of 1998. Consequently we can determine the Pepsi Weakness which is can be improve and can be make sure that in future they will never happened again. Besides that, Pepsi on the other side has effects on the teeth which is an issue for health care. It also has got sugar by which continuous drinking of Pepsi may cause health problem. Being addicted to Pepsi also is a health problem, because drinking of Pepsi daily has an effect on your body after few years. Because its contain chemicals which could cause cancer, damage the nervous and reproductive system and reduce bone mineral density. Such negative publicity could adversely impact the companys brand image and the demand for Pepsi product. This could also have an adverse impact on the companys growth prospects in the international market Negative publicity The company received negative publicity during September 2006.The Company was accused by the Center for Science and Environment (CSE) of selling products containing pesticide residues that contained a hazardous pesticide residue. These pesticides included chemicals which could cause cancers, damage the nervous and reproductive systems and reduce bone mineral density. Such negative publicity could adversely impact the companys brand image and the demand for Pepsi products. This could also have an adverse impact on the companys growth prospects in the international markets. Opportunities Brand recognition is the significant factor affecting Pepsis competitive position. Pepsis brand name is known well throughout 94% of the world today. Its mean that the primary concern over the past few years has been to get this name brand to be even better known. Packaging changes have also affected sale and industry positioning, but in general, the public has tended not to be affected by new products. Pepsi bottling system also allows the company to take advantage of infinite growth opportunities around the world. This strategy gives Pepsi the opportunity to service a large geographic, diverse area. Pepsi is such an experienced powerful global company, which has a basic of a great fund. So it has the ability to place an idle sum of money to the promotion. We can see that the advertisement of Pepsi-Cola is so attractive. It also invited the top famous people to advertise for it. The advertisement is so elaborate and attractive so that Pepsi gained the special prize of the advertisement Granny. Threats Currently the threat of new viable competitors in the carbonated soft drink industry is not very substantial. The threat of substitutes however is a very real threat. The soft drink industry is very strong, but consumers are not necessarily married to it. Possible substitutes that continuously put pressure on both Pepsi and Coke include tea, coffee, juices, milk, and hot chocolate, even thought Coco-Cola and Pepsi control nearly 40% of the entire beverage market, the changing health-consciousness of the market could have a serious affect. Of course, both Coke and Pepsi have already diversified into these markets, allowing them to have further significant market shares and offset any losses incurred due to fluctuations in the market. Consumer buying power also represents a key threat in the industry. The rivalry between Pepsi and Coke has produce a very slow moving industry in which management must continuously respond to the changing attitudes and demands of their consumer or face losing market share to the competition. In addition, consumer can easily switch to other beverages with little cost or consequence. Intense competition Pepsi competes in the nonalcoholic beverages segmen
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Illegal Use of Performance Enhancing Drugs in the Olympics Essay
Illegal Use of Performance Enhancing Drugs in the Olympics Since the original Olympic Games in ancient Greece, athletes have struggled to find a way to gain the competitive edge. Early rituals included consuming wine and brandy before an event, eating potent mushrooms, and even concocting magic potions thought to give the athlete improved performance ability (Phillips, 2000, p.53). A constant battle has been fought as the International Olympic Committee struggles to keep drug testing up-to-date and effective. We have come to associate drug use with a few famous names of fallen heroes, such as Ben Johnson and the most recent, C.J. Hunter, but few people realize just how widespread drug use is in Olympic sports and how small a percentage of offenders ever get caught. This presents the International Olympic Committee with one of its greatest challenges: trying to keep its drug testing procedures at a par with the technology of today’s pharmacists. Should the International Olympic Committee just face the facts and realize that athletes wi ll continue to try and use performance-enhancing drugs, and hence turn their backs and act as though nothing is happening? I feel as though they should become more stern toward athletes that are caught, and let the world know that they are going to do whatever they can to catch those who use these drugs. Certain sports quickly come to mind when we think of performance-enhancing drug use. We think of bodybuilders and weightlifters when drug use is mentioned. But not many would list track and field as a sport in which performance enhancing drug use is prominent. "What seems clear, however, is that the use of performance enhancing drugs is a problem mainly for the athletes of track, field and swi... ...ive. Sources Alesia, M. (2000). Performance enhancing? In some events, even drugs can’t trump skill. CBS Sportsline. Retrieved March 15, 2001,1329,2773853_15,00.html Begley, S., & Gordon, D. (2000). Under the shadow of drugs.Newsweek, 136(15), 56. Kowalski, K.M. (1999). Steer clear of steroid abuse. Current Health 2, 25(7), 13-16. Looney, D.S. (2000). No easy answers ahead on Olympics doping. Christian Science Monitor, 92(221), 12. Mishra, R. (1995). Steroids and sports are a losing combination. US Food and Drug Administration. Retrieved March 14, 2001 Phillips, A. (2000). The Olympic drug cloud. Maclean’s, 113(41), 52-54. Superhuman heroes. (1998). Economist, 347(8071), 10-13. Toward dope-free games. (2000). Christian Science Monitor, 92(202), 8.  Â
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Eating Behaviour In Schools Education Essay
Unhealthy eating behaviour can do obesity disease. This disease can happen both in kids and grownup. Fleshiness in kids or childhood fleshiness is an energy instability between Calories consumed and Calories expended. Unhealthy life style during childhood can be causes disablement in maturity and diabetes. The prevalence of fleshy kids around the universe has increased dramatically in recent old ages. In 2010 the figure of fleshy kids under the age of five, is estimated to be over 42 million. Close to 35 million of these are populating in developing states ( WHO, 2011 ) . WHO recognizes that the increasing prevalence of childhood fleshiness consequences from alterations in society. Childhood fleshiness is chiefly associated with unhealthy eating and low degrees of physical activity. Children and game is ever something together. Educational games â€Å" are games designed with specific course of study aims in head †( Royle, 2008 ) frequently games that have been used in instruction have been developed to back up the pattern of factual information. Educational game might be the most suited game for the pre-school kids which bring cognition to the kids. Computer-based instruction games are the combination of instruction and amusement and copy the real-life environment. Game based acquisition ( GBL ) is remains one of the most effectual instruction schemes to advance acquisition. Among all application package, computing machine games are holding a shorter larning curve. If used efficaciously in a coherent and relevant manner, GBL can back up both the option of more pick for how the scholar can larn every bit good as offering the potency for personalising the acquisition experience ( Sugimoto, 2007 ) .PROBLEM STATEMENTOverweight and fleshiness is an emerging job among kids worldwide. In Thailand, the prevalence of fleshiness in 5-to-12 twelvemonth olds kids rose from12.2 % to 15.6 % in merely two old ages ( Rerkuppaphol, 2010 ) . To forestall childhood fleshiness is non really hard. The kids must devour healthy nutrient, particularly the pre-school kids in the age 3-7 old ages old they may non cognize what they should eat or should non because of their unequal ability has limited and deficiency of experience ( Zhang, 2009 ) .RESEARCH QUESTIONThis survey aims to reply the undermentioned inquiries: Do kids larn about healthy nutrient and nutrition? Is kids has ability to retrieve the healthy nutrient after playing game-based acquisition courseware?RESEARCH OBJECTIVEThe chief aim is to develop an synergistic game based larning courseware about healthy feeding. To accomplish this aim, the following sub-objectives have been identified: To supply cognition about nutrient foods to kids. To measure learning ability of kids after playing healthy eating game-based courseware.ScopeThis GBL merchandise is developing for pre-school kids in kindergarten, Thailand. The name of courseware is Happy Healthy Meal. It is about learning kids what healthy nutrients are. Before kids start the game, they will larn nutrition of each nutrient. Each nutrient will stand for nutrition to assist pupil easier to understand. There are 2 chief bill of fare for this courseware. First bill of fare is the presenting nutrient that will be used in the game. It will learn kids larn about healthy nutrient and nutrition. It will demo the image and nutrition of each nutrient in text. After finish all the nutrient debut, it will endorse to the chief bill of fare. Second is the game bill of fare where the kids will get down to play game here. It will supply direction how to play before kids start to play. This merchandise usage nutrient as a chief object. In this game, healthy nutrient and unhealthy nutrient will drop from the top. The kids need to snap on healthy nutrient merely before it gone. There is a male child as chief character. If the kids click on unhealthy nutrient, the character will be acquiring fat till game is over. But if the kids on the healthy nutrient, the character will be healthier like ruddy cheek, smiling, leaping. The position of character can promote kids larning actively. ( Zhang, 2009 ) This merchandise is deliverable in Cadmium and will be presenting in Thai linguistic communication.LITERATURE REVIEW6.1 Game-based acquisitionIn this literature will demo how GBL can pull kids. Rieber ( 2005 ) indicates â€Å" larning is believed to be achieved through active battle in which the instructor provides support, resources and encouragement †. Normally, pupils show their battle in playing complex computing machine games much more than they show in their school work. Prensky ( 2005 ) said that in order to do acquisition occur, pedagogues must first motivate and prosecute pupil in their acquisition activities. For battle to happen, pedagogue must make an environment that encourages student-teacher contact, cooperation among pupils and active participants between. Sing the difference in battle, the factor between media and GBL environments is the integrating of the game features. Hence, the intent of this GBL is besides to look into if a game is a better attack for actuating the involvement acquisition than other multimedia map entirely. Computer games provide a good environment for larning. The theories of larning are behavioural larning theory, cognitive acquisition theory and motive theory ( Sugimoto, 2007 ) .6.2 Educational game designCordova et Al. ( 1996 ) have shown that enhanced larning which is merriment can be more effectual. Using some simple educational undertakings, they demonstrated that larning embedded in a motivation puting improved learning results and that battle can ease acquisition. Learning occurs when the scholar is mentally involved and actively interacts within the game, where a balance of challenge and possible classs of action is provided. Harmonizing to Alessi & A ; Trollip ( 1991 ) educational game can be divided into three chief parts such as the debut, the organic structure of the game and the decision. Figure 6.1 show these parts. games.tiff Figure 6.1: The general construction and flow of the gamesGame in Health attentionGame for wellness attention is the games that move beyond the educational stage to the longer-term support of kids with chronic status. Games can utilize to actuate the kids by â€Å" reenforcing healthy picks, reminding of intervention particulars, deflecting their attending, and keeping more complete wellness position and intervention record †( Watters et al. , 2006 ) . Pollak et Al. ( 2010 ) had developed a game â€Å" Time To Eat †a nomadic phone based intended to better adolescent eating behaviour. They designed the game like virtual-pet attention. The game focuses on pet attention as portion of a kid ‘s day-to-day modus operandi, which fits good with behavior alteration theoretical accounts in which repeated support. Watter et al. , ( 2006 ) has developed the long term intervention game. The participant will hold ain pet that kept in the back pack. If the participant neglects to take attention of the pet at appropriate times during the twenty-four hours the pet begins to look ailment. The nutrient pick is presented during the drama of this game to feed the favored become wellness.MethodologyMethodology describes the stages involved in developing the games based acquisition. There are more than 100 different ISD theoretical accounts, but about all are based on the generic â€Å" ADDIE †theoretical account, which stands for Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation, as illustrated in the Figure below. Each measure has an result that feeds the subsequent measure. Figure7.1 shows the ADDIE procedure. addieModel Figure 7.1: ADDIE Model7.1 AnalysisThe Analysis stage is the most of import stage in the ADDIE theoretical account. It identifies countries pre-school kids necessitating to larn about this merchandise, restraints exists, when this undertaking will be completed and what will pre-school kids make to find their competence. Developer will analyze the ends and aim of the presentation and the nature of participants to seek to find the rightness of the instructional design.7.2 DesignThe Design stage is concerned with capable affair analysis, game planning and media choice. It besides involves planing elaborate storyboards to ease the media development and content integrating. The user interface is an of import constituent and is the chief nexus between the pre-school kids and the acquisition courseware. In this stage, all the consequences from the analysis stage to make a design for direction.DevelopmentIn this stage, all sound, image, and nutrition content are collected, prepared, created and ready to be tested. Adobe Flash CS3 will utilize to make life and do the game expression synergistic. Sound Forge will utilize as audio tools. The content development squad develops instructional media based on the results of the design stage.ExecutionThe execution stage consists the testing of the undertaking with the pre-school kids. The kids will utilize Graphical User Interface ( GUI ) to take portion in developing direction. As we know, new merchandise normally represents a going from the manner concern is presently done.EvaluationEvaluation stage the kids and the instructional system are investigate to make up one's mind whether alterations are necessary or non. This stage include kids and instructor provide feedback on the effectivity of the games.Undertaking SIGNIFICANTUsing GBL can give large impact because these games differ from another game in the market. Furthermore, this is a manner to make something that is impressive plenty for people to stand up and take notice of GBL merchandise. Teaching utilizing GBL technique can assist teacher particularly to pull kids because this GBL merchandise was apply multimedia component by utilizing 2 Dimension ( 2D ) and sound. This courseware might promote the instructors and parents to improvize their ICT accomplishments and hands-on acquisition as a learning tool.
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Colossus at Rhodes
The Colossus at Rhodes Located on the island of Rhodes (off the coast of modern Turkey), the Colossus at Rhodes was a giant statue, about 110 feet tall, of the Greek sun-god Helios. Although finished in 282 BCE, this Wonder of the Ancient World only stood for 56 years, when it was toppled by an earthquake. Huge chunks of the former statue stayed on the beaches of Rhodes for 900 years, drawing people around the world to marvel at how man could create something so enormous. Why Was the Colossus of Rhodes Built? The city of Rhodes, located on the island of Rhodes, had been under siege for a year. Caught up in the heated and bloody battle between the three successors of Alexander the Great (Ptolemy, Seleucus, and Antigonus), Rhodes was attacked by Antigonus’ son, Demetrius, for supporting Ptolemy. Demetrius tried everything to get inside the high-walled city of Rhodes. He brought 40,000 troops (more than the entire population of Rhodes), catapults, and pirates. He also brought a special corps of engineers that could make siege weapons specially geared to break into this particular city. The most spectacular thing these engineers built was a 150-foot tower, mounted on iron wheels, that hosted a powerful catapult. To protect its gunners, leather shutters were installed. To protect it from fireballs hurled from the city, each of its nine stories had its own water tank. It took 3,400 of Demetrius’ soldiers to push this mighty weapon into place. The citizens of Rhodes, however, flooded the area around their city, causing the mighty tower to wallow in mud. The people of Rhodes had fought back valiantly. When reinforcements came from Ptolemy in Egypt, Demetrius left the area in a hurry. In such a hurry, that Demetrius left nearly all of this weapons behind. To celebrate their victory, the people of Rhodes decided to build a giant statue in honor of their patron god, Helios. How Did They Build Such a Colossal Statue? Funding is usually a problem for such a large project as the people of Rhodes had in mind; however, that was easily solved by using the weapons that Demetrius had left behind. The people of Rhodes melted down many of the leftover weapons to get bronze, sold other siege weapons for money, and then used the super siege weapon as the scaffolding for the project. Rhodian sculptor Chares of Lindos, the pupil of Alexander the Great’s sculptor Lysippus, was chosen to create this huge statue. Unfortunately, Chares of Lindos died before the sculpture could be completed. Some say he committed suicide, but that is probably a fable. Exactly how Chares of Lindos constructed such a gigantic statue is still up for debate. Some have said that he built a huge, earthen ramp that got bigger as the statue got taller. Modern architects, however, have dismissed this idea as unpractical. We do know that it took 12 years to build the Colossus of Rhodes, likely from 294 to 282 BCE, and cost 300 talents (at least $5 million in modern money). We also know that the statue had an exterior that consisted of an iron framework covered with bronze plates. Inside were two or three columns of stone that were the main supports for the structure. Iron rods connected the stone columns with the exterior iron framework. What Did the Colossus of Rhodes Look Like? The statue was to stand about 110 feet high, on top of a 50-foot stone pedestal (the modern Statue of Liberty is 111 feet high from heel to head). Exactly where the Colossus of Rhodes was built is still not certain, although many believe it was near the Mandraki Harbor. No one knows exactly what the statue looked like. We know that it was a man and that one of his arms was held aloft. He was likely naked, perhaps holding or wearing a cloth, and wearing a crown of rays (as Helios is often portrayed). Some have guessed that Helios’ arm was holding a torch. For four centuries, people have believed that the Colossus of Rhodes was posed with his legs spread apart, one on each side of the harbor. This image stems from a 16th century engraving by Maerten van Heemskerck, which depicts the Colossus in this pose, with ships passing under him. For many reasons, this is very likely not how the Colossus was posed. For one, legs open wide is not a very dignified stance for a god. And another is that to create that pose, the very important harbor would have had to have been closed for years. Thus, it is much more likely that the Colossus was posed with legs together. The Collapse For 56 years, the Colossus of Rhodes was a wonder to see. But then, in 226 BCE, an earthquake struck Rhodes and toppled the statue. It is said that the Egyptian King Ptolemy III offered to pay for the Colossus to be rebuilt. However, the people of Rhodes, after consulting an oracle, decided to not rebuild. They believed that somehow the statue had offended the real Helios. For 900 years, huge pieces of the broken statue lay along the beaches of Rhodes. Interestingly, even these broken pieces were huge and worth seeing. People traveled far and wide to see the ruins of the Colossus. As one ancient writer, Pliny, described after seeing it in the 1st century CE, Even as it lies, it excites our wonder and admiration. Few people can clasp the thumb in their arms, and its fingers are larger than most statues. Where the limbs are broken asunder, vast caverns are seen yawning in the interior. Within it, too, are to be seen large masses of rock, by the weight of which the artist steadied it while erecting it.* In 654 CE, Rhodes was conquered, this time by Arabs. As spoils of war, the Arabs cut apart the remains of the Colossus and shipped the bronze to Syria to sell. It is said that it took 900 camels to carry all that bronze. * Robert Silverberg, The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World (New York: Macmillan Company, 1970) 99.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Ray! essays
Ray! essays My African American is Ray Charles, Ray Charles is one of the greatest R Ray Charles Robinson was born in September 23, 1930, He grew up in Albany, Georgia and was raised in Greenville, Florida. At age Six, Ray Charles suffered from Glaucoma after traumatically watching his brother drown in a washtub his mom used for laundry, because of this he started to lose his site. At the age of Seven he attended St. Augustine School for the Deaf and the Blind from 1937 to 1945 where he learned Piano, Clarinet, and Alto Sax, He also learned how to read and write music in braile In 1948 he was Seventeen and took 600 dollars of savings and moved to Seattle, where he formed the Maxim Trio who had a major hit called Confession Blues. During this time in Seattle he began using Heroin. Later Ray Charles made Ray Charles Enterprises, he recorded many songs of his there, like I cant stop loving you Born to Lose and many more. Later in 1986 he was inducted to the Rock Ray Charles overcame many obstacles like when he started using heroin in 1948, and especially him losing his site at the age of six, learning to play piano clarinet and alto sax, and learning to read Braile and write music in Braile is just amazing, I cant realate to any of these but to overcome a lot of these things is just amazing. Ray charles didnt really do anything controversial but he did use heroin in 1948, he did appear in many movies and later dropped his contract. My opinion on Ray Charles is that he is a great and influential African American, he has influenced many people in his life and ...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Environmental Sustainability and Education Essay
Environmental Sustainability and Education - Essay Example Another thing worth mentioning here is that sustainability efforts should not focus on only one area because many areas come under the heading of sustainability ranging from environmental protection to climate change to biodiversity to women’s rights to organic farming. This suggests that sustainability touches every societal level and requires a lot of work. Brinkhurst et al. suggest that unified power of administrators and students is quite dazzling and impressive. Both teams are powerful agents of change. Administrators are labeled top and students are labeled bottom. Finlay and Massey claim that involvement of institutional middle is critically important to ensure eco-sustainability. They agree with the perspective of Brinkhurst et al. that middle institution should be committed to sustainability at different levels. Teaching, research, and awareness programs are three important media or platforms identified by Finlay and Massey through which administrators and students ca n together develop an environment for the better. Instead of following a centuries-old academic routine, it is only now that institutions have begun to orient their curricula around environmental issues, which is a very positive development. Alshuwaikhat and Abubakar stress that it is very important for management practices to be goal-oriented and very committed. There should be the development of a proper organizational structure in every college or university which solely focuses on promoting the vision of sustainability.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Bilingualism theories and deaf Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Bilingualism theories and deaf - Assignment Example The thresh hold theory on the other hand provides a three staged development of bilingual abilities the theory explains that bilinguals achieve positive cognitive advantages after crossing the first and the second threshold (Baker, 2011) (Page# 167 lines#26-30). Developed in 1977 by Toukomaa and Skutnabb-Kangas, the threshold theory analyses the relationship between bilingualism and cognitive development. Language is a social tool used in enhancing interactions. As such, the development of bilingualism in children is always a portrayal of their cognitive development. In analyzing bilingualism, the theory provides three stages of bilingualism development that also portrays the development of cognition in children (Baker, 2011) (page#167 lines # 24-29). Each of the three thresholds is varying levels of language competencies that also portray the cognitive development of a child. Stage 1 is a preliminary stage and children at such stages lack effective bilingual skills thus cannot communicate effectively. At such stages, children have weak cognitive development. Their inability to speak in two languages is therefore a portrayal of their underdeveloped cognitive abilities. According to the theory, the second thresh hold is also preliminary and the children cannot communicate in two languages effectively. The theory explains that people begin realizing the benefits of bilingualism. The theory uses the example of a child with progressive prowess of bilingualism. At the first two stages, the child cannot realize the benefits of bilingualism since they cannot communicate effectively. The fact that this portrays their underdeveloped cognitive prowess further complicates the situation. Such a child cannot for example use language to enhance learning in school. As such, his inability in bilingualism affects his academic development since such a student cannot learn effectively. After crossing the second threshold, the child
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