Wednesday, October 30, 2019
The Japanese model of human resource management is no longer relevant Essay
The Japanese model of human resource management is no longer relevant to firms in the contemporary business environment. Critically assess this statement - Essay Example In this case, an individual may argue about the extent to which Japan should adopt Western management practices so as to boost its performance in the global marketplace (Sakikawa, 2012). This paper will evaluate whether the Japanese HRM model is relevant to the contemporary business environment. The Japanese HRM model is characterized by information flow and collaboration that is dominated by the Japanese culture. Japanese people believe in getting their hands dirty to help them identify the prevailing problems and come up with relevant solutions to address the challenges, and the leaders are not exempted from this initiative. These principles are usually mistaken by most western managers who believe in micromanagement, which is an unprincipled and constant practice that interferes with the processes (Rowley & Benson, 2004). However, according to the Japanese society, these tools are essential in terms of shepherding the underlying processes. The decision making process according to the Japanese is aimed at providing an opportunity that fosters equal ranking among employees and managers in a particular group in order to incorporate the idea that an individual stipulates. This process rhymes with the Japanese culture that focuses on harmonizing people. The physical action that is attributed to the decision making process aims at creating an environment that offers support as well as an agreement for a decision in case a manager who is in a higher position accepts and recommends a particular decision (Ruysseveldt, 2004). The Japanese people believe in the ringi decision making process. This means that a person should submit a proposal to his or her supervisors, and await their feedback. Though the executive leadership does not define the corporate policy clearly, all the managers regardless of the levels that they occupy are supposed to raise their decisions that
Monday, October 28, 2019
A Swimming Adventure Essay Example for Free
A Swimming Adventure Essay Awaking early, I decided to sit on the screened porch and watch the Florida sun come up. Within a very short time as I sat there, the sun peaked on the horizon as it gradually awakened from its night of slumber. The dew sparkled like diamonds as the suns rays tenderly caressed the grass. Off in the distance, I could hear the world spring to life as the birds began to sing a spectacular melody, growing louder and louder as each bird began to chirp in unison, like a choir singing in church on Sunday morning. A new day had dawned and I remember thinking how magnificent the birds song was and what a wonderful day it was going to be. Returning to my duties as a mom, I started making breakfast for my children, who would wake shortly wanting to eat. Within a few minutes, the wonderful aroma of the pancakes and bacon cooking on the stove gave way to the sound of pitter-pattering little feet as they hit the floor. My children Michael, Laura and Misty were awake and joined me in the kitchen. I seated the children; gave them their breakfast and told them that it was going to be a very hot day and if they ate all of their breakfast and cleaned up the toys, I would take them to the beach to go swimming. The children, bustling with excitement over the news, hurriedly ate their breakfast and started cleaning up their toys while I cleaned the kitchen. Around noon, the temperature was a blistering 95 degrees as we packed a cooler with sandwiches and drinks. We loaded the trunk with our chairs and headed off to the beach. On the way, we saw a black and white cat racing across the street chasing a gray mouse. We played a game called I Spy and sang songs to pass the time. Growing closer to the beach Michael spied a snake lying in the road, and asked, Why is the snake lying in the middle of the road mommy? The snake was dead and not wanting to upset him, I replied, The snake is basking in the sun so it can get warm. It was not long before we had reached our destination. Anticipation filled the air as we found the perfect spot and unloaded the car. The children helped set up the chairs and then headed off to swim. Deciding to relax a few minutes, I took in the peaceful views that lay before me. The beach was covered with white sand and on each side of the swimming area were large boulders and rocks that had been piled up. There were several covered tables and a bathroom area. Many people were playing in the water while others were lying on their towels and blankets on the sandy beach. A volleyball game was taking place a few yards away and I remember thinking how hot it was as the glaring sun beat down on everyone. Watching the children playing in the surf, the waves from the shore looked fun and almost childlike as they crested and then crashed over one another. I could taste the salt in the air and watched little rainbows glisten through the prisms of the oceans spray. The warm ocean water toward the shore was covered with foam and bubbles from the rumbling waves as my children and other families played in the gritty sand of the Gulf. I watched the seagulls swoop down as a child threw small pieces of bread up in the air. The sea gulls were white and gray and had a long orange beak. I remember thinking to myself, This is going to be a perfect day. The children are playing and laughing in the ocean and call out Come on mom, come and play. I start towards the water trying not to step on any of the tiny hermit crabs as they emerge from their sandy homes in search of scraps. I reached the water; no crabs injured and plunged head first into a two-foot wave coming to shore, hah! How refreshing. My children and I are swimming and playing together in the cool refreshing water. I lift them one by one tossing them slightly in the air and letting go, I hear them shriek with delight as they plummet towards the water with a splash! This exciting activity is repeated several times until my arms give out and I am forced to take a break, much to the dismay of my children who are having a wonderful time. I stand there in about three feet of water when my children come up with another exciting game; they start swimming through my legs playing mommy is a bridge. I remember thinking boy! I wish I had their energy. After resting a few minutes I picked them up, placed them one at a time on my back and began to swim; we slowly swam under the blue water and up again and I could hear them giggle with excitement and say Do it again mommy, do it again. A short time later a commotion broke out interrupting our games, I struggled to hear what everyone was shouting about and saw people running to the waters edge and pointing about fifty feet from where the children and I were playing. Looking in the direction they were pointing, a man with his daughter in tow yells, SHARK! without hesitation, I yelled to my son, Michael, get out of the water! I grabbed Laura and Misty and headed to shore. My adrenalin pumping we reached the shore incredibly fast, like a bolt of lightning streaking across the night sky. Only when we were safely on shore did we look back to see three fins just skimming the surface of the water. I stood there stunned and shocked watching the fins, wondering what kinds of sharks they were and very grateful that everyone was in one piece. A few minutes later, the fins disappeared beneath the surface and everyone was treated to a wondrous sight, there off in the distance, were three dolphins jumping high into the air and making a big splash as they entered the water. The dolphins took turns jumping and playing; sometimes they would jump in unison, as if dancers in a chorus line. As fast as they had appeared, the dolphins slipped beneath the waves and headed out to sea. I wondered if the dolphins laughed to themselves; thinking about how they had scared the two-legged creatures from the water or if they were just as curious about us as we were of them. With the all clear, we headed back into the water and continued swimming and playing games. A short time later, the children became hungry so we decided to get something to eat and drink. The ham and cheese sandwich tasted good and the Pepsi was refreshing. As we ate, the children began to get goose bumps so I covered their shoulders with a blanket. Hours later, the sun setting, we gathered our belongings, packed up the car and ventured home. The children tired from a full day of fun and games fell asleep quickly. Not wanting to wake the children, I turned off the radio and listened to the hum of the motor as we made our way home. Later as I lay in bed I replayed the days events in my mind, from the stunning sunrise, the splendor of the birds as they sang, the laughter of they children as the played, the show of the dolphins, the beauty of the beach and the setting sun, I thanked God for all the wonderful gifts he had given me. THE END Graded and Corrected A+ paper The teacher wanted us to write an essay about something that happned in our lives. I scored a 94% on this essay due to poor punctuation, which has since been fixed.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Life is precious :: essays research papers fc
Life Is Precious      It has been argued that it should be made legal for patients to have doctor-assisted suicide, or mercy-killing, which is the term used to describe ending life through the voluntary self-administration of lethal medication, expressly prescribed by a physician for that purpose (DHS-Internet). By approximately a two-to-one ratio, most adults in the US agree that it should be this way. â€Å"When read a brief description of the Oregon proposition, allowing physician-assisted suicide for patients who are thought to have less than six months to live, a 61% to 34% majority said that they would favor such a law in their state†(Harris # 2). However, I myself feel, that it shouldn’t be approved for several reasons: this matter does not belong upon human beings to decide; physicians and family members, rather than patients are likely to be the real decision makers; terminally ill patients are not sufficiently conscious to make end-of-life decisions.      First of all, no one should have the right to decide about ending lives, even if it is his/her own. For the breath of life was given without being requested, therefore no one has the power to decide upon when it should end or be taken away from a person. Indeed, most Americans feel that it is fine for terminally ill patients to take away their own lives. However, if the suicide is successfully done, who will be able to say that person would not have recovered if they had waited patiently? We have all heard some cases about people who were dying and for some reason, a miracle happened which made them react and live again. I myself have a similar experience in my family. About five years ago, my brother was under no condition to live, due to a serious chronic kidney complication. He got to the point to where the doctors asked for the family’s consent to turn the machines off because there was no more chance of survival. For many diverse reasons we chose to wa it upon time to see what would happen. Not very long after that, the one who was supposed to be already dead miraculously reacted and started to live again. This shows that many times though doctors seem to know the best escape, time and patience proves them otherwise. According to Stephen R. Katz M.D., the term doctor-assisted suicide may sound reassuring, almost comforting, and maybe even a peaceful alternative to a sometimes agonizing death, but the true meaning is that it is nothing but the act of taking of a life by another human (Doctor Inform-internet).
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Organization Essay
This essay will argue that it is imperative for organizations to have strong leaders and a strong culture in the post bureaucratic era because leaders set a direction for people. They help us visualize what we might achieve and they encourage us and inspire us. Together, with a strong business culture, organizations will surely be successful and continue to soar in its career. In the first section of this essay there will be an explanation on what is the post bureaucratic era and how it has changed overtime . Subsequently, Max Webers theories as well as Fredrick Taylors theory on scientific management will be discussed and from this, draw out the dramatic effect on an organization the post bureaucratic era has had from previous years until today. In the second section of this essay it will demonstrate what leadership is and why organisations need strong leaders, through discussing the articles of Bolden and Gosling (2006) and House’s Path Goal theory on leadership. The third part of the essay will consist of Rosen’s article on The Christmas Party (Rosen, 1988). This article will reveal what is a strong culture and how it is crucial for a business organization to have. Finally, after summarizing the arguments in the conclusion , this essay will display just how important it is for organisations to have a strong leader and a strong culture. The Post-Bureaucratic Era Bureaucratic management undertook an autocratic approach in the management and leadership of an organization. Bureaucracy is an organizational form consisting of a hierarchy of â€Å"differentiated knowledge and expertise in which rules and disciplines are arranged not only hierarchy in regard to each other but also parallel †(Clegg et. al , 2011). Over time, what people thought of bureaucracy has been changing constantly in order to adapt to the new lifestyle and perspectives that each organization has. In the article called †Being an active member of a corporate alumini network†, the writer explains that bureaucratic management focused on dividing organisations into hierarchies, having small repetitive tasks in order to maximise output and strong lines of authority and control. People were treated like machines and they did not have any input in the business. Conversely , post-bureaucratic management converts bureaucratic management as they move from coercive power to a more ‘soft dominant’ approach. Through incentives and having a say, it makes workers feel more included and therefore can maximise productivity.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Media Effects on School Shooting Victims Essay
The participants of this study were students of Jokela High School, the school which experienced the shooting, and a control group of students from Pirkkala High school, which had not experienced a shooting. Jokela High School, at the time, had 474 students enrolled. All 474 of these students were asked to partake in the study. Participation in this study was voluntary and of the 474 students, 231 accepted the invitation to participate in the study, 180 students declined, 34 students could not be reached and 29 students consented to participate but never did. 526 students agreed to participate in the study from the control group school, Pirkkala High School. The participants were a mixture of both male and female students ranging from ages 13 to 19 years of age. Large portions of the families of the students from Pirkkala belong to the upper middle-class compared to Jokela, but there were no major differences in sociocultural background or crime rate between the two communities. The data in this study was collected by dispensing a questionnaire in a school setting in March of 2008. If a student was absent from school the questionnaire was mailed home along with the consent forms. The questionnaire started out asking basic background questions, such as socioeconomic status, living arrangements, previous psychological support or exposure to shootings. Next, students were asked to take a 36-item General Health Questionnaire to measure psychological and psychosocial symptoms. Students were also asked to complete The Impact of Event Scale to map symptoms into two categories, Intrusion and Avoidance. Students were then asked to rate their exposure to the shooter as either no exposure (control students), mild, moderate, significant, severe, and extreme. Each of these categories had descriptions to help the student choose the right option that applied to them. Lastly, students were asked questions about the media’s interactions with them. They were asked if the media interacted with them after the shooting, if they cooperated with the media, if the questions had an effect on their feelings after the shooting, and how the reporter approached them. Then they were asked if they followed the news coverage on the event over the next couple days and what type of effect the coverage had on their feelings.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
ACT Expert Guide Whats the Highest Possible ACT Score
ACT Expert Guide What's the Highest Possible ACT Score SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips What is the highest possible score on the ACT, and how rare is it to get one? Whether you're just now diving into your ACT prep or have been at it for a while, you're probably wondering what the best score is. In this guide, we’ll explore the odds of earning the maximum ACT score and give you tips and advice for reaching it. What Is a Perfect ACT score? The highest possible score you can earn on the ACT is 36(on a scale of 1-36). This 36 is a composite, or average, of your four subject area scores- English, Reading, Math, and Science.Each section is also scored on a scale of 1-36. (If you take the ACT with Writing, your essay willnot affect your composite score. This means you can get a perfect 36 without earning a perfect essay score of 12.) The 36 points you can earn on each section are scaled scores, which are translated from your raw scores- that is, the total number of questions you get right on each ACT section. (For more information about how each ACT section is scored, see our article on ACT scoring.) The magic number. So just how rare is a perfect 36? According to ACT, Inc., out of the 1,914,817 students in the class of 2018 who took the ACT, only3,741earned the highest possible ACT score. That’s just 0.195% of test takers! If you’re looking to be part of that 0.195%, keep reading to learn the raw ACT scores you'll need for each section- and why it’s possible to get a perfect score without answering every single question correctly. The Composite ACT Score Needed for a 36 Your composite score on the ACT is the most important part of your score, since it represents your overall performance. When people refer to a perfect ACT score, they are talking about a perfect 36 composite. However, since your composite ACT score is calculated from the average of your four subject area scores- not the total- you do not need a perfect 36 on every section to get a perfect 36 composite. For example, say you got the following subject area scores: English: 36 Reading: 36 Math: 36 Science: 34 This means your composite would be as follows: (36 + 36 + 36 + 34) / 4 = 35.5 Because you can only get whole numbers- not decimals- for your composite ACT score, this score of 35.5 would round up to the best ACT score of 36. This is a slight difference from the SAT, for which your composite score comes from all the sections being totaled, not averaged. To get a perfect score on the SAT, you need a perfect score on every section.For the ACT, you can have a slightly less than perfect score on one or two sections and still net a 36 composite! The Raw Scores Needed for a Perfect ACT Score While it’s possible to get a 36 composite without getting a 36 on each ACT section, if you're truly aiming for a 36, you should study with the goal of getting a 36 on each section. But why? First of all, this will help you focus your studying on becoming 100% consistent. If you study with the allowance of making a few mistakes, any additional mistakes you make will definitely cost you the 36. But if you study with the goal of getting a 36 on each section, if you do end up making one or two mistakes, you could still net a 36 composite. This official chart estimates how raw ACT section scores will translate into scaled scores. Based on this official chart, you need to aim for a perfect raw score- that means answering every single question correctly- on both Reading and Science to get a 36. Meanwhile, you can miss one question each on the English and Math sections and still get a 36. While these estimates show it is possible to get 74 raw points on the English section and 59 points on the Math section and still get a 36 composite, this could change depending on how the ACT you end up taking is scaled. (This is becauseeach test is scaled a little bit differently- check out our guide to ACT conversion chartsto learn more about how this process works.) Ultimately, the only way to guarantee a 36 is to get a perfect raw score in every section. How to Get Perfect Raw ACT Scores to Guarantee a 36 If you're aiming for a perfect ACT score, the best way to do this is to aim for a perfect raw score on every ACT section (in other words, aim to get every single question right!). Here, we go over our top tips to help you do just this. #1: Be Consistent and Maintain Your Stamina Since you're aiming for a perfect raw ACT score on every section, you must be able to achieve perfection during studying and while taking practice tests. This is especially important for developing better test-taking stamina and efficiency. Even if you're capable of answering all the questions in a section correctly, to get a perfect 36 on the ACT, you will have to be able to work within the allotted time.Here is an overview of the time limits per ACT section: ACT Section Total Time # of Questions Time per Question English 45 minutes 75 36 seconds Math 60 minutes 60 60 seconds Reading 35 minutes 40 52.5 seconds Science 35 minutes 40 52.5 seconds For the Math section, you get exactly one minute per question. For English, Reading, and Science, you get less than a minute. This intense pacing is why it’s so important to aim for speed and accuracy while studying. #2: Find Your Weak Spots Our second tip is to use ACT practice questions and exams to find your weak areas- whether they are trigonometry questions on the Math section or the social science excerpt on Reading. Try to figure out where the gaps in your knowledge are and why you are answering certain questions incorrectly. Once you know exactly where you struggle, you can target your studying. To get a 36, you must learn the concepts behind the questions you struggle with the most, and develop systems and strategies for solving those question types. With enough studying, your weak links could become strengths. #3: Don’t Get Complacent Although you will spend a good deal of time on your weak spots, never assume that you have a section in the bag.For example, even if you're amazing at math and got a 36 on your first official practice test, don't neglect the Math section when you study. Taking practice tests can help you become familiar with the pacing you will need on test day, and they'll also help you spot any careless mistakes you tend to make. #4: Prevent Careless Mistakes Although the bulk of your studying will be spent addressing stubborn weak spots, make sure you are on the lookout for where you make small mistakes. That could be anything from skimming too fast and missing the point of a question, to an arithmetic error on Math, to even bubbling in an answer incorrectly. Want more strategies on how to get the maximum ACT score? Read our detailed guide to getting a 36. Key Takeaways: Aiming For the Maximum ACT Score Although it will be tough to study for that perfect 36 ACT score- after all, only 0.195% of test takers achieve it!- it's not impossible. Keep in mind, too, that although a 36 composite is considered perfect, a composite score of 34 or higher is already in the 99thpercentile of test takers. In other words, if you get a 34+, you have done better than 99% of students who take the ACT. That's a great accomplishment! Studying using the principles in this article and aiming for perfection can definitely help you get a 99thpercentile ACT score- which isn't too shabby, even for a perfectionist. What's Next? Want a more in-depth guide to getting a perfect ACT score? Read our guide on how to score a 36, written by a 36 perfect scorer. Aiming for a top-tier school? Learn what ACT scores it takes to get into the Ivy League. Not aiming for a perfect ACT score? You'll still need to figure out what score you should aim for, and get the best one you can. Read our step-by-step guide to calculating your personal ACT target scoreto get started. Want to improve your ACT score by 4+ points? We've written a free strategy guide to the top strategies you should be using in your studying. Download it now:
Monday, October 21, 2019
Confucius and Family Relationshiops
Confucius and Family Relationshiops Free Online Research Papers To Confucius family relationships are more important than any other relationship a human being could have. The way someone treated a family member affected whether they would be viewed as truly human or not. To Confucius it was all a matter of respecting your elders. His most important relationship is between the father and the eldest son. In his opinion â€Å"it is the hinge of civilization†. To Confucius the father must love and care for his son and is responsible for his welfare. On the other hand though the son must respect and obey his father and see to his welfare as well. If the father were to neglect his son or the son were to not respect his father they would not be considered truly human because they were not following their natural way or duty in life. Along with the father son relationship Confucius had 4 more important relationships, which were also all based on respect towards your superior. Number two was the husband and wife relationship where the husband must treat his wife fairly and the wife must respect and obey her husband. Number 3 was the elder brother and younger brother relationship in which the elder brother must take care of his younger brother and in return the younger brother must give respect to his older brother. Confucius’s fourth relationship was that of the ruler and the subject. In this case the ruler had to watch out and care for his subjects while they had to respect, obey, and be loyal to the ruler. His last relationship was that of an elder and younger in general where a younger person must respect their elders and the elders must be kind to those younger than them. These five relationships are all written together in what is known as the doctrine of the Five Relationships. They all are based on g ood character and following what is expected of you. To Confucius if you deviate from what is expected of you, you are deemed to not have good character and not be truly human. Confucius also believed that no matter how big the family or society that if everyone were to follow and obey their roles that everyone in that particular family and/or society would be harmonious. By a society being harmonious Confucius thought it would lead to people from other societies coming over to join a better society which would lead to a more populated society that would lead to more loyal subjects to the ruler eventually leading to a better army incase one was needed to defend against an invasion. But just as quickly as it could build up, I believe it could fall just as easily. I personally do not think this could ever work in a family or society. I think that if this system depended on everyone to follow the way they are told to be and a few people decided not to, that it would crumble the whole system. By a few people who decide not to do what is expected of them could set off a chain reaction that could eventually lead its way all the up to the top or all the way down to the bottom depending on where it started. To me it seems like a domino affect, if one person decides to deviate from what is expected of them then it may cause one or two others to deviate which may each cause another one or two people to do the same. If this did happen it could bring down the entire society as a whole and allow it to be open for takeover by a neighboring state. Research Papers on Confucius and Family RelationshiopsComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug Use19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionWhere Wild and West MeetBringing Democracy to AfricaInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesCapital PunishmentEffects of Television Violence on Children
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Hundred Years War - Joan of Arc and Siege of Orlans
Hundred Years' War - Joan of Arc and Siege of Orlans Siege of Orlà ©ans: Dates Conflicts: The Siege of Orlà ©ans began October 12, 1428 and ended May 8, 1429, and took place during the Hundred Years War (1337-1453). Armies Commanders English Earl of ShrewsburyEarl of SalisburyDuke of SuffolkSir John Fastolfapprox. 5,000 men French Joan of ArcJean de DunoisGilles de RaisJean de Brosseapprox. 6,400-10,400 men Siege of Orlà ©ans - Background: In 1428, the English sought to assert Henry VIs claim to the French throne through the Treaty of Troyes. Already holding much of northern France with their Burgundian allies, 6,000 English soldiers landed at Calais under the leadership of the Earl of Salisbury. These were soon met by another 4,000 men drawn from Normandy by the Duke of Bedford. Advancing south, they succeeded in capturing Chartres and several other towns by late August. Occupying Janville, they next drove on the Loire Valley and took Meung on September 8. After moving downstream to take Beaugency, Salisbury dispatched troops to capture Jargeau. Siege of Orleans - the Siege Begins: Having isolated Orlà ©ans, Salisbury consolidated his forces, now numbering around 4,000 after leaving garrisons at his conquests, south of the city on October 12. While the city was located on the north side of the river, the English were initially confronted by defensive works on the south bank. These consisted of a barbican (fortified compound) and twin-towered gatehouse known as Les Tourelles. Directing their initial efforts against these two positions, they succeeded in driving out the French on October 23. Falling back across the nineteen-arch bridge, which they damaged, the French withdrew into the city. Occupying Les Tourelles and the nearby fortified convent of Les Augustins, the English began to dig in. The next day, Salisbury was mortally wounded when surveying French positions from Les Tourelles. He was replaced by the less aggressive Earl of Suffolk. With the weather changing, Suffolk pulled back from the city, leaving Sir William Glasdale and a small force to garrison Les Tourelles, and entered winter quarters. Concerned by this inactivity, Bedford dispatched the Earl of Shrewsbury and reinforcements to Orlà ©ans. Arriving in early December, Shrewsbury took command and moved troops back to the city. Siege of Orleans - the Siege Tightens: Shifting the bulk of his forces to the north bank, Shrewsbury built a large fortress around the Church of St. Laurent west of the city. Additional forts were built on the Ile de Charlemagne in the river and around the Church of St. Prive to the south. The English commander next constructed a series of three forts extending northeast and connected by a defensive ditch. Lacking sufficient men to fully surround the city, he established two forts east of Orlà ©ans, St. Loup and St. Jean le Blanc, with the goal of blocking supplies from entering the city. As the English line was porous, this was never fully achieved. Siege of Orleans - Reinforcements for Orlà ©ans the Burgundian Withdrawal: When the siege began, Orlà ©ans possessed only a small garrison, but this was augmented by militia companies that were formed to man the citys thirty-four towers. As the English lines never fully cut off the city, reinforcements began to trickle in and Jean de Dunois assumed control of the defense. Though Shrewsburys army was augmented by the arrival of 1,500 Burgundians during the winter, the English were soon outnumbered as the garrison swelled to around 7,000. In January, the French king, Charles VII assembled a relief force downstream at Blois. Led by the Count of Clermont, this army elected to attack an English supply train on February 12, 1429 and was routed at the Battle of the Herrings. Though the English siege was not tight, the situation in the city was becoming desperate as supplies were low. French fortunes began to change in February when Orlà ©ans applied to be put under the protection of the Duke of Burgundy. This caused a rift in the Anglo-Burgundian alliance, as Bedford, who was ruling as Henrys regent, refused this arrangement. Angered by Bedfords decision, the Burgundians withdrew from the siege further weakening the thin English lines. Siege of Orleans - Joan Arrives: As the intrigues with the Burgundians came to a head, Charles first met with the young Joan of Arc (Jeanne dArc) at his court in Chinon. Believing that she was following divine guidance, she asked Charles to allow her to lead relief forces to Orlà ©ans. Meeting with Joan on March 8, he sent her to Poitiers to be examined by clerics and Parliament. With their approval, she returned to Chinon in April where Charles agreed to let her lead a supply force to Orlà ©ans. Riding with the Duke of Alencon, her force moved along the south bank and crossed over at Chà ©cy where she met with Dunois. While Dunois mounted a divisionary attack, the supplies were barged into the city. After spending the night in Chà ©cy, Joan entered the city on April 29. Over the next few days, Joan assessed the situation while Dunois departed to Blois to bring up the main French army. This force arrived on May 4 and French units moved against the fort at St. Loup. Though intended as a diversion, the attack became a larger engagement and Joan rode out to join the fighting. Shrewsbury sought to relieve his beleaguered troops, but was blocked by Dunois and St. Loup was overrun. Siege of Orleans - Orlà ©ans Relieved: The next day, Shrewsbury began consolidating his position south of the Loire around the Les Tourelles complex and St. Jean le Blanc. On May 6, Jean sortied with a large force and crossed to the Ile-Aux-Toiles. Spotting this, the garrison at St. Jean le Blanc withdrew to Les Augustins. Pursuing the English, the French launched several assaults against the convent through the afternoon before finally taking it late in the day. Dunois succeeded in preventing Shrewsbury from sending aid by conducting raids against St. Laurent. His situation weakening, the English commander withdrew all of his forces from the south bank except for the garrison at Les Tourelles. On the morning of May 7, Joan and the other French commanders, such as La Hire, Alencon, Dunois, and Ponton de Xaintrailles gathered east of Les Tourelles. Moving forward, they began assaulting the barbican around 8:00 AM. Fighting raged through the day with the French unable to penetrate the English defenses. In the course of the action, Joan was wounded in the shoulder and forced to leave the battle. With casualties mounting, Dunois debated calling off the attack, but was convinced by Joan to press on. After praying privately, Joan rejoined the fighting. The appearance of her banner advancing spurred on the French troops who finally broke into the barbican. This action coincided with a fire barge burning the drawbridge between the barbican and Les Tourelles. English resistance in the barbican began to collapse and French militia from the city crossed the bridge and assaulted Les Tourelles from the north. By nightfall, the entire complex had been taken and Joan crossed the bridge to re-enter the city. Defeated on the south bank, the English formed their men for battle the next morning and emerged from their works northwest of the city. Assuming a formation similar to Crà ©cy, they invited the French to attack. Though the French marched out, Joan counseled against an attack. Aftermath: When it became apparent that the French would not attack, Shrewsbury began an orderly withdrawal toward Meung ending the siege. A key turning point in the Hundred Years War, the Siege of Orlà ©ans brought Joan of Arc to prominence. Seeking to maintain their momentum, the French embarked on the successful Loire Campaign which saw Joans forces drive the English from the region in a series of battles which culminated at Patay.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Organization development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5
Organization development - Essay Example 1. Improve the mode of communication to help the management understand better the needs of the junior staff. When there is streamlined communication between the management and the employees, no party feels side-lined resulting in a morale boost 2. Create a platform where the outsiders who were helping in retreat training can make reports and give recommendations on their observations so as to help iron out any arising issues affecting the teams. 3. Eliminate slothfulness through the introduction of performance contracts where individuals take responsibilities of their work, hence avoid such scenarios where the manager can joke around with the other workers instead of working with his team. Improvement of the channels of communication where every employee stands equal chance as the management in contributions of ideas will help create a serene environment for both the management and employees. This also will create a good will-power from the management that in turn will help improve the performance of both the managers and also employees. Having well-defined retreat structures where all teams are involved in team building exercises will help in ironing out any differences between workers and fellow and even managers. This will also help instructors feel free and give their best without having the fear of
Friday, October 18, 2019
Customer equity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words
Customer equity - Essay Example Value equity is the customer's objective assessment of the utility of an offering based on perceptions of its benefits relative to its cost. The sub drivers of value equity are quality, price and convenience. Brand equity is the customer's subject time and intangible assessment of the brand, beyond its objectively perceived value. The sub drivers of brand equity are customer brand awareness, customer attitude towards the brand and customer perception of brand ethics. Relationship equity is the customer's tendency to stick with the brand, beyond objective and subjective assessment of its worth. Sub drivers include loyalty programs, special recognition and treatment programs, community building programs and knowledge building programs. In the present relationship-marketing situation, most of the companies using technology such as E-mail, websites, call centers, databases and database software are helping to foster continuous contact between company and customers. Companies that want to develop strong customer relationships generally add financial benefits, social benefits and structural ties to its product. In providing financial benefits, companies provide customer the frequency rewards and club marketing. Today, most supermarket champions including Sainsbury offer price club cards and provide member customer with discounts. Many companies have created club membership programs to strengthen relationship with customers. Open clubs are good for building a database or snagging customers from competitors, limited membership clubs are more powerful long-term loyalty builders. Companies' personnel work on increasing social bonds with customers by individualizing and personalizing customer relationships. Customer relationship is more or less of the view that customer must maximize his or her relationship with the company through up selling and at the same time, enhancing profitability by identifying, attracting and retaining the best customers. Through better relations hip and customer's information, customer time could be saved. Putting better customer relationship requires developing a set of integrated applications to address all aspects of front office needs including automation of customer services, field service, sales and marketing. The main aim of better customer relationship includes acquiring, enhancing and retaining the customer. Sainsbury has done this quite successfully. To acquire and retain the customer and to develop a long-term relationship Sainsbury is providing healthy, safe, fresh and tasty food as well as at fair prices. Sainsbury's price competitiveness is currently the best. It has been for many years following the investment of more than 450 million pound over the last three years. Around 15,000 prices are checked every week to make sure its competitive position has been maintained. In August 2007, Sainsbury has launched. "Different values" campaign to provide its customer, the products of higher quality specifications and great values. In March 2003, Sainsbury launches "Feed your family for a fiver" campaign to reach out and maintain a long-term relationship with its customers through providing affordable, healthy and nutritious meals for a family of four could be prepared with the budget of 5 pound. Sainsbury's values are not just for food items but available for non-food
Tax planning clients Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Tax planning clients - Case Study Example The earnings set aside would be deposited in the flexible spending account and would be free of tax. That is, the funds deposited in the flexible spending account are not subject to taxation. According to the FSA provisions, the whole amount deposited in the flexible spending account should be spent within the coverage period specified otherwise; the non-spent amount is forfeited or subjected to taxation. According to the case, the couple never funded their flexible spending account; therefore, all their transactions are subject to tax. Below are questions and answers in reference to tax provisions. Q1: in general, if the insurance benefit is to be paid to the beneficiary at once, the amount is not subject to tax. However, if the insurance benefit is paid in monthly instalments, any interest that accumulates on top of the face value is taxable. By general law, life insurance benefits are excluded from tax. If, at the time of death, the owner of the insurance policy is the deceased, the insurance benefits are subject to tax (estate tax). However, if the deceased is not the owner of the insurance policy, at the time of death, the benefits are not subject to tax. With respect to the case in consideration, Tom was the owner of the life insurance policy at the time of his death. Therefore, Josephine would be required by the IRS to claim the face value of the life insurance for both federal and state tax purposes (Lal & Lal 56-120). Q 2: any amount spent by an individual on medical services is supposed to be reimbursed provided there is a scheme to that effect. In general, unreimbursed medical expenses are tax deductible. That is, the monetary worth of the medical service should be deducted from the gross income. If the amount spent by the Marchs on medical services is 10% of their adjusted gross income, they should deduct the unreimbursed medical expense from their gross profit. This move will reduce their gross
Thursday, October 17, 2019
DIgital Image iilustration Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
DIgital Image iilustration - Research Paper Example Filippa Hamilton, who is Ralph Lauren’s model in the advertisement related to Blue Label. She is portrayed as a â€Å"skinny model whose waistline was whittled so tiny she appears warped next to her elastic limbs†(National Post, â€Å"Picture Perfect Manipulation†). Ralph Lauren himself commented on that matter stating that the picture should be taken down as it portrayed the wrong image of his model, Filippa Hamilton. The image was also termed as â€Å"not recommended†as teen girls and young children would want to be a replica of the model and in the real sense the picture was digitally manipulated (National Post, â€Å"Picture Perfect Manipulation†). Other occurrence cases are like the one for O. J. Simpson. On June 27th 1994, Time Magazine used a mug shot belonging to O.J Simpson in their article where their photo illustrator Matt Mahurin was fined heavily for variably darkening and blurring the complexion color of the mug shot photo and also r educing the size of his prisoner ID Number (The Museum of Hoaxes, â€Å"O.J.‘s Darkened Mug Shot†). The ethics behind this picture was that, critics charged Time Magazine with racism because the picture was blurred and darkened posing O.J Simpson as a very black man. War brewed between Time Magazine and its rival News Week, where the rival claimed that the photo should not have been altered at all (The Museum of Hoaxes, â€Å"O.J.‘s Darkened Mug Shot†). Beyonce’s photographs are also said to have been digitally manipulated to give her lighter complexion in the Feria hair color ads. The concept behind this was that Beyonce’s pictures were manipulated so that L'Oreal Paris could actually make more sales by making it more appealing to the customers. This implicated that the product could only be sold to its targeted customers who were lighter skinned as compared to darker skinned customers. That is, the product could only attract a larger audienc e if the picture was lighter (National Post, â€Å"Picture Perfect Manipulation†). February last year, Beyonce wore a black mini dress that happened to reveal an unusually pale skin. Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, a Ugandan-born British journalist and author accused the singer of â€Å"betraying all Black and Asian women†. â€Å"Too many black and Asian children grow up understanding the sad truth that to have dark skin is to be somehow inferior. Of course, black and Asian parents work hard to give their children a positive self-image and confidence in their appearance, despite the cultural forces stacked against them. But when black celebrities appear to deny their heritage by trying to make themselves look white, I despair for the youngsters who see those images (Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, â€Å"The Daily Mail: Why I believe Beyonce is betraying all black and Asian women†). In 2007, England officially rebuked L'Oreal Paris for misleading its customers with an advertisement of Penelope Cruz in which L'Oreal Paris claimed that the product actually lengthened eyelashes up to 60%. In the real case Penelope Cruz was wearing false extended eye lashes (National Post, â€Å"Picture Perfect Manipulation†). Annie Leibovitz, an American portrait photographer digitally manipulated her portraits and photographs so that they would look more of paintings as compared to the usual photographs. She went ahead and got an official portrait of the Queen that was later manipulated so th
Key features of the organizational structure and business operations Essay
Key features of the organizational structure and business operations of banks - Essay Example It is also visible that the employees' activity is customer-oriented. All the employees are busy - they work with the clients, advise them how to act better in different situations and are oriented for their needs satisfying. The organization structure of the bank is typical for such business: the employees work under the manager's control, and the staff of the bank fulfills direction functions and is responsible for appropriate functioning of the bank. If I owned this business I would give make the consulting office functions wider, and pay more attention to the quality of the work with clients, as well as to the betterment of connections between the manager and the customers of the bank. In addition to that it needs to note that the bank inside is rather clean and well-maintained: the working process is appropriately organized and meets the highest business standards in the bank field. A car lot I have visited is a large area with numerous amount of cars presented for clients. The employees of the car lot are dressed in special cloths reflected the firm brand. The great amount of consultants provides the functioning of the car lot. ... But those who answer the clients' questions consult them rather well and show much knowledge in the car field. The business has strict organizational structure, but sometimes the functions of the employees are mixed: both the manager and the consultants work with the documentation and don't always pay appropriate attention to the customers' needs, but basically the business process runs rather well. The car lot is rather clean, but sometimes the employees who are responsible for the clearness of the store don't do their duty well: dirt is visible in some places. But if I owned a car lot I would improve the organizational system of my business: I would make the assortment of production wider; the management functions should be more centralized, and the head manager of the car lot should concentrate his activity upon better communication with clients - he should try to satisfy all their needs and pay more time and attention to better organization of the business operations of the car l ot. 3. Court. I have visited a set of courts which are used for business. The employees of the courts are clean dressed and they have all their equipment necessary for the work. The employees' functions are strictly determined, and it is seen that they do their functions rather well. But it needs to note that the manager is not visible in the court - just sometimes he directs the employees' working process, but most part of his time he spends for different kinds of activity which is not directed to the working process functioning. But in spite of that the employees of the court are mostly customer-oriented and do their duties rather well: they help customers to choose the right sport
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
DIgital Image iilustration Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
DIgital Image iilustration - Research Paper Example Filippa Hamilton, who is Ralph Lauren’s model in the advertisement related to Blue Label. She is portrayed as a â€Å"skinny model whose waistline was whittled so tiny she appears warped next to her elastic limbs†(National Post, â€Å"Picture Perfect Manipulation†). Ralph Lauren himself commented on that matter stating that the picture should be taken down as it portrayed the wrong image of his model, Filippa Hamilton. The image was also termed as â€Å"not recommended†as teen girls and young children would want to be a replica of the model and in the real sense the picture was digitally manipulated (National Post, â€Å"Picture Perfect Manipulation†). Other occurrence cases are like the one for O. J. Simpson. On June 27th 1994, Time Magazine used a mug shot belonging to O.J Simpson in their article where their photo illustrator Matt Mahurin was fined heavily for variably darkening and blurring the complexion color of the mug shot photo and also r educing the size of his prisoner ID Number (The Museum of Hoaxes, â€Å"O.J.‘s Darkened Mug Shot†). The ethics behind this picture was that, critics charged Time Magazine with racism because the picture was blurred and darkened posing O.J Simpson as a very black man. War brewed between Time Magazine and its rival News Week, where the rival claimed that the photo should not have been altered at all (The Museum of Hoaxes, â€Å"O.J.‘s Darkened Mug Shot†). Beyonce’s photographs are also said to have been digitally manipulated to give her lighter complexion in the Feria hair color ads. The concept behind this was that Beyonce’s pictures were manipulated so that L'Oreal Paris could actually make more sales by making it more appealing to the customers. This implicated that the product could only be sold to its targeted customers who were lighter skinned as compared to darker skinned customers. That is, the product could only attract a larger audienc e if the picture was lighter (National Post, â€Å"Picture Perfect Manipulation†). February last year, Beyonce wore a black mini dress that happened to reveal an unusually pale skin. Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, a Ugandan-born British journalist and author accused the singer of â€Å"betraying all Black and Asian women†. â€Å"Too many black and Asian children grow up understanding the sad truth that to have dark skin is to be somehow inferior. Of course, black and Asian parents work hard to give their children a positive self-image and confidence in their appearance, despite the cultural forces stacked against them. But when black celebrities appear to deny their heritage by trying to make themselves look white, I despair for the youngsters who see those images (Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, â€Å"The Daily Mail: Why I believe Beyonce is betraying all black and Asian women†). In 2007, England officially rebuked L'Oreal Paris for misleading its customers with an advertisement of Penelope Cruz in which L'Oreal Paris claimed that the product actually lengthened eyelashes up to 60%. In the real case Penelope Cruz was wearing false extended eye lashes (National Post, â€Å"Picture Perfect Manipulation†). Annie Leibovitz, an American portrait photographer digitally manipulated her portraits and photographs so that they would look more of paintings as compared to the usual photographs. She went ahead and got an official portrait of the Queen that was later manipulated so th
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
External Marketing Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
External Marketing Environment - Essay Example A firm is frequently oblivious to the factors that affect its future. A marketer can comprehend the marketing environment through conducting a marketing research. Acquaintance to the environment assists an organization to modify its promotional mix and recognize new opportunities. Lamb et al (2011, p. 110) cite economic, cultural and social, business, legal and political and demographic elements as the constituents of the external marketing environment. Economic Environment There is no more significant component in the external environment affecting marketing than the economic environment. Lamb noted that the affects the operation of a company on both at micro and macro levels. Micro-level refers to the individual company while the macro level implies the broader industry, country or international. i. Supply and Demand When there is the absence of government intervention and control, supply and demand are the basic underlying forces of the economic dimension. Supply refers to the num ber of goods and services sellers and producers are willing to bring to the market at given prices at a given time (Lamb et al., 2011, p. 112). Demand, on the other hand, refers to the number of goods and services the buyers are willing to buy at a given price and time. ... When such a situation occurs, there is either a shortage or a surplus. In a competitive market structure, when a surplus or a shortage occurs, changes occur until equilibrium is restored. In the case of a surplus, the price is usually lowered to meet the demand level in the short run. In the long run, either the supply will decrease, as the quantities offered are decreased by some firms making production cuts or by other firms going out of business. When a shortage occurs, a company must carefully assess whether this condition id temporary or is actually a market need not being satisfied. ii. The Market and Exchange In every market economy there is a way for the market equilibrium price and quantity to be achieved. The mechanism for doing this by bridging the gap between supply and demand is the marketplace itself. Marketplace bridges the gap between what is produced and what is consumed, making the right quantity available to meet the market need (Lamb et al, 2011, p., 113) iii. Gen eral Economic Change The economic conditions in a country and the state of national economy change over time. Movements and fluctuations in the economy often follow patterns and have been described as business cycles (Lamb et al, 2011, p. 113). These cycles historically have consisted of four stages which include recession, prosperity, depression, and recovery. Cultural and social Environment In reference to Lamb et al (2011, p. 114), the cultural-social environment is replicated in the other four major environments external to the organization’s marketing mix.Â
Monday, October 14, 2019
Deafness and Fury Essay Example for Free
Deafness and Fury Essay If I were in their position I wouldnt know what to do, I think I would take into consideration all benefits and dangers of getting the implant before making a decision. Before I took this ASL class I didnt know anything about deaf culture. When you explained the difference between Deaf and deaf I realized that not every deaf person are alike. For instance, Heathers parents were both Deaf and they were very proud of who they were. They were both actively involved with their Deaf friends and family, and they felt most comfortable being around their â€Å"own kind†. Although Peter was very comfortable in his own skin, I felt like he was very close minded when it came to talking about the possibilities of Heather getting and implant. Even when they visited the family with the young girl that had the implant, he was very closed to the idea that one day her daughter could have the opportunity to be able to hear what goes around in the world. Peter and Nita were very surprised and somewhat disappointed when Heather told them she wanted to get the Cochlear implant because she really wanted to hear. Peter rejected the idea but I feel Mariche 2 that Nita was a little more open to it because she secretly wanted to somewhat be part of the hearing world. She also stated that she was open to the idea of the implant because she didnt want her daughter to go through all the tribulations that she went through when she was young. It also seemed that both Nita and Peter were rejecting the Cochlear, because they were afraid Heather would become too involved in the hearing world, that she would forget all about the deaf culture. There was a particular scene where Nita asks Heather if she still wanted the implant, and Heather ends up telling her that she didnt want the implant because her parents said she couldnt have one. I feel like it was wrong that the parents didnt let their daughter get the implant without really giving it thought,but they are proud of who they are so in the end it didnt matter. My opinion is that is was wrong of them to reject the Cochlear without letting the little girl make the decision for herself. Even though Heather was a little girl, it seemed to me that she really wanted to hear and the implant could of offer her many great opportunities. The movie also showed me that there are many things that separate the deaf world from the hearing world. One of the things that struck me the most is that in reality, many hearing individuals tend to feel â€Å"sorry†for deaf individuals, because they see deafness as a disability. For example, the couple with the twins expressed that they were devastated when they were informed that one of their twins was deaf. Even though deafness ran in their family they were still heartbroken because they saw the baby as disabled. Although I felt disappointed that they took their child’s deafness as a bad thing, they did point out some very interesting and somewhat truthful things. For example, being deaf in the hearing world can shut many doors for these individuals. Deaf people are often discriminated, misunderstood, and shut out of the hearing world. Although it is true that deaf individuals face many obstacles in their lives, Peter (and many others) showed us that a deaf person can be just as successful and any hearing person. When I was a waitress at a very popular restaurant, I remember that one of my regular clients Mariche 3 was a deaf man. He was very friendly and although I had a very hard time communicating with him, he was always patient and willing to try his best to communicate with me. When people saw that he was deaf and that his speech was very limited, many laughed and made really stupid and ignorant comments. To our surprise it turned out that he was a very successful businessman, so in reality he was definitely not a â€Å"handicap†. I definitely understand why the couple in the movie considered getting the Cochlear Implant for their child. I also have a 5 year old niece who is deaf, and although we have a really hard time communicating with her it seems to me that she actually likes the way she is. I think at her young age she embraces her deafness. Everyone is different and like in this movie everyone has to do what is best for THEIR family and what they felt most comfortable with. In conclusion, the movie gave us different perspectives of both the hearing world and deaf culture. One family showed us how proud they were of being deaf, and they refused to let their child get a hearing implant because they thought she would loose touch with deaf culture. The other family showed us that they saw deafness as a disability. They decided to let their child get the implant because they felt it was the best thing to do for him and his future. Although being deaf can bring many obstacles, families ultimately have to decide what ever is best for their lives.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Impact of Increased Temperature on Delosperma Cooperi Pollen
Impact of Increased Temperature on Delosperma Cooperi Pollen Eunice Oh The Impact of Increased Temperature due to Global Warming on Pollen Germination of Delosperma Cooperi Introduction: There is an ongoing crisis that is beginning to influence ecosystems throughout the world, which may lead to large scale natural disasters due to the rise in temperature from global warming. According to NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space studies, 0.8 °C have increased around the world since 1880. In addition, the rise in temperature is pervasive and is increasing at a faster rate in the last two decades (SITE1). This warming phenomenon can disturb ecosystems and lead to extinction in extreme cases. Such ecosystems are dependent on plant growth and proliferation to sustain itself. Therefore, an experiment to observe the effects of a significant rise in temperature on pollen germination was conducted to predict the adaptability of Delopsperma cooperi, a common species of iceplant grown around the world, to this phenomenon . T Delosperma cooperi (trailing iceplant) was compared to Tulbaghia violacea (society garlic) to obtain a broader view of how different plants from the same environment would react to a distinct change in temperature. An increase of 10 °C was chosen as the variable to perform analysis with the Q10 temperature coefficient. Pollen is a fine powder that contains microgametophytes of seed plants and produces male gametes. When pollination occurs, the pollen grain germinates and a tube is produced as a conduit to transport the male gametes from the stigma to the pistils of the ovule in flowering plants (SITE2). In nature, germination occurs when the stigma is hydrated from water sources (e.g. rain) . can also be induced in vitro using a germination media and the hanging drop method (SITE 3). Three replicates were observed the were analyzed with statistics to measure the significance of the variable  (via a T-test, and Dixon Q).  The plant’s temperature dependence was quantified with the Q10 temperature coefficient. It was predicted that the increase in temperature would result in a significant improvement of pollen germination rate and longer pollen tubes than the control due to Delosperma cooperi’s adaptive traits (quote). Materials and Methods: Germination of Delosperma cooperi was induced in basic germination media, composed of 1mM KCl, 0.1mM CaCl2, 1.6mM H3BO3, 10% glucose,and distilled water. Standard lab equipments were used: light microscope, garden gaskets, depression slides, slides warmer, petri dish, and micropipettes. The light microscope was used under the 10x objective to track the germination process and measure the elongation of pollen tubes. To accommodate for a large sample volume (50 µL transferred using micropipettes), garden gaskets were employed to extend the capacity of the depression slides. A slides warmer was used to maintain the high temperature environment (37 °C ) and wet petri dishes were utilized as germination chambers. The hanging drop method consists of several steps.  A gasket was placed on top of the slide in order to create an area for the hanging drop to be intact with the cover slide and held together with grease. The slides were placed in the humidity chamber to allow germination and prevent drying. Two sets of the hanging drops were prepared, one for the higher temperature (37 °C), and another for the positive control (27 °C ). The negative control was prepared by observing the pollen without any germination media. Statistical analysis methodology: The germination elongation rates were recorded by sampling five pollen tubes from each slide in 30 minutes intervals, up to 150 minutes. This data was analyzed using biostatistics. A Dixon Q test was performed to identify and remove outliers. The Dixon Q test was calculated using the equation, Q= (gap)/(range). The gap refers to the absolute difference between the outlier and the closest number to the outlier and the range is simply between the smallest and largest values (CITE). After the elimination of outliers from the Dixon Q test, a student T-Test (with a 95% confidence interval) was performed to determine whether the variables were statistically significant in the difference of their elongation rates using P values (SITE). Finally, a Q10 value was determined from the mean of elongation rates. It was calculated by using the following equation: Q10 = (R2/R1)10/(T2-T1). Q10 is a unit-less measur ement that quantify the change of a biological system due to temperature change. Results: The purpose of the experiment was to measure the elongation rates after every 30 minute interval, 32 points of data were obtained and analyzed. Overall, the elongation rate of Delosperma cooperifor the high temperature variable was as much as three times faster compared to the control temperature (0.686  µm/min vs. 0.278 µm/min) in trial three. The percent germination was also noticeably better for the high temperature variable versus the control, where it was approximately 60% compared to 20% after 120 minutes from initiation. From the list of data, the Dixon Q-test result indicated the data point 0.780 µm/min of the higher temperature control as an outlier with a 95% confidence level. The mean elongation rate for the room temperature was 0.314 µm/min and 0.454 µÃ‚ m/min for the higher temperature control. The student T-Test yielded a P value of 0.0447, which indicates that the result is statistically significant at a 95% confidence interval. The Q10 temperature coefficient for Delosperma cooperi was calculated to be 3.59, categorized as a temperature dependent biological system. Figure 1. The graph shows the average elongation rates of Delosperma cooperi at two different temperatures. The tubule elongation rate was 0.314 µm/min for the control and 0.454 µm/min for the variable. Error bars denote one standard deviation (0.152 µm/min and 0.177 µm/min, respectively) above and below the mean. Figure 2. The graph shows the average elongation rates of Tulbaghia Violacea at two different temperatures. The tubule elongation rate was 17.4 µm/min for the control and 3.00 µm/min for the variable. Error bars denote one standard deviation (1.95 µm/min and 0.279 µm/min, respectively) above and below the mean. Discussion: The results appear to support the hypothesis, where Delosperma cooperi was positively affected by the increased temperature by approximately a 0.140 µm/min and 40% germination improvement. The result shows that the higher temperature yielded in an improvement in both percentage germination and pollen tube length growth at a significant level (P10 value is higher than 2. Q10 is a unit-less measurement that establish a temperature coefficient that correlates a system’s change to temperature difference (of 10 °C) (SITE 4) In addition, the higher percentage germination was observed from the higher temperature control correspond to an article in which Delosperma cooperi is more adapted to a higher temperature environment due to increased metabolic rate under temperature stress (SITE 5). The results of Delopserma cooperi were compared with Tulbaghia violacea and suggest that the increased temperature had the opposite effect on Tulbaghia violacea, where pollen germination percentage and pollen tube growth were more effective in the room temperature control. Tulbaghia violacea is known to be better suited in the colder environment while high temperatures restrict their germination (SITE 6). However, the data was determined to be not significantly significant. (P>0.6). A possible future experiment includes testing a greater variety of indigenous flower pollens under more temperature variances. The experiment provided a glimpse into how certain plants would respond to the consequences of global warming and more studies are needed for a more comprehensive overview. References Leistner, O. A. (ed.). 2000. Seed plants of southern Africa: families and genera. Strelitzia10. National Botanical Institute, Pretoria. Mozaffar Ebrahim Edmund John Pool (2010). The effect of Tulbaghiaviolacea extracts on testosterone secretion by testicular cell cultures. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 132(1): 359–361 Reyes, A.B., Pendergast, J.S., and Yamazaki, S. 2008. Mammalian peripheral circadian oscillators are temperature compensated. J.Biol. Rhythms 23: 95-98. â€Å"Global Warming Facts.†2007. National Geographic. Raven, Peter H.; Ray F. Evert, Susan E. Eichhorn (2005).Biology of Plants, 7th Edition. New York: W.H. Freeman and Company Publishers. pp.504–508. Pfahler PL (1981).In vitro germination characteristics of maize pollen to detect biological activity of environmental pollutants. Health Perspect.37: 125–32. Reyes, A.B.,Pendergast, J.S., and Yamazaki, S. 2008. Mammalian peripheral circadian oscillators are temperature compensated. J.Biol. Rhythms 23: 95-98. Rinnan R, Steinke M, McGenity T, Loreto F. Plant volatiles in extreme terrestrial and marine environments.Plant Cell Environ. 2014 Mar 7.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
HALO:The Flood :: essays research papers fc
HALO:The Flood      Today I am going to tell you about a great book I read lately. It is called HALO:The Flood. The Flood is based on the award-winning Xbox game, Halo. This book was interesting because it tells the story through several different perspectives. Some of the perspectives include: the super-soldier, Master Chief, an alien, another alien, a sergeant, and a few soldiers. Although some new character perspectives are introduced in some chapters, the characters die later in the chapter.      The story opens with the marines aboard their battle cruiser, The Pillar of Autumn. Suddenly, an alarm sounds because an alien race, known as the Covenant, has invaded the ship. Then the marines open up a cryo-tube. [a tube one can sleep frozen in] Inside the tube is the genetically enhanced super-soldier, known as the Master Chief. The Chief then defeats the aliens aboard the ship. After the invasion, the marines discover the ancient ring-world, called Halo. They then decide to search for weapons and other supplies on Halo. Unfortunately, the Covenant is also searching for something: Halo’s control room, which can activate a weapon capable of wiping the universe clean of all life.      When the marines crash land on Halo, they discover a deadly parasite called Flood living under the surface of the ring. But instead of being carried by bacteria, it is carried by bulbous, blob-like things. When a living organism [including the Covenant] gets infected by it, they quickly start to mutate into rotting, deadlier versions of their former selves. The entire human exploration squad, including their captain, Captain Keyes, gets infected, and mutate into Flood combat forms. All except for, that is, Captain Keyes, who mutates into a huge, stationary Flood form, and later dies. When the rest of the marines lose contact of Captain Keyes and his crew, they suspect something is wrong and send the Chief off to investigate. Like the exploration squad, he soon encounters the Flood. After dispatching the first wave, he then fights his way through Halo to get to its control room so he can disable Halo. After doing that, he finds and fights his way through the wreck of The Pillar of Autumn so he can detonate its engines and destroy Halo for good.      When the Chief gets to the engine room, he cracks open the opening to the ship’s fusion core. After he drops a grenade down the opening and disrupts the fusion core, he has 15 short minutes to get off Halo before it explodes.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Models In Therapeutic Recreation Services Health And Social Care Essay
Curative Recreation seeks to advance the capacity and ability of groups and persons to do ego determined and responsible picks, in visible radiation of their demands to turn, to research new positions and possibilities, and to gain their full potency. Within this assignment I am traveling to critically compare and measure the usage of the undermentioned theoretical accounts in the Therapeutic Recreation Service: The Leisure Ability Model and the Health Promotion/ Health Protection Model. In making so I will foremost depict the two theoretical accounts in item and so critically compare and measure them both and their usage in the curative diversion service. The Leisure Ability Model: Every human being demands, wants, and deserves leisure. Leisure presents chances to see command, learn new accomplishments, run into new people, intensify bing relationships, and develop a clearer sense of ego. Leisure provides the context in which people can larn, interact, show individuality, and self-actualize ( Kelly, 1990 ) . A big figure of persons are constrained from full and hearty leisure experiences. It so follows that many persons with disablements and/or unwellnesss may see more frequent, terrible, or enduring barriers compared with their non-disabled opposite numbers, merely due to the presence of disablement and/or unwellness. The Leisure Ability Models underlying footing stems from the constructs of: ( a ) learned helplessness vs. command or self-government ; ( B ) intrinsic motive, internal venue of control, and causal ascription ; ( degree Celsius ) pick ; and ( vitamin D ) flow.Learned Helplessness:Learned weakness is the perceptual experience by an person that events go oning in his or her life are beyond his or her personal control, and hence, the single Michigans seeking to consequence alterations or results with his or her life ( Seligman, 1975 ) . They will finally halt desiring to take part in activity or take part in any other manner. They will larn that the regulations are outside of their control and person else is in charge of puting the regulations. Their ability to take a hazard will be diminished and they will larn to be incapacitated. Learned weakness may show a psychological barrier to full leisure engagement and it may, conversely, be unlearned with the proviso of well-designed services .Intrinsic Motivation, Internal Locus of Control, and Causal Attribution:All persons are per se motivated toward behavior in which they can see competency and self-government. As such, persons seek experiences of incongruousness or challenges in which they can get the hang the state of affairs, cut down the incongruousness, and demo competency. This procedure is continual and through skill acquisition and command, produces feelings of satisfaction, competency, and control. An internal venue of control implies that the person has the orientation that he or she is responsible for the behavior and outcomes he or she produces ( Deci, 1975 ) . Typically persons with an internal venue of control take duty for their determinations and the effects of their determinations, while an person with an external venue of control will put duty, recognition, and fault on other persons. An internal venue of control is of import for the person to experience autonomous or responsible, be motivated to go on to seek challenges, and develop a sense of self-competence. hypertext transfer protocol: // tag=rbxira.2.a.10 & A ; destUrl=http: // Attribution implies that an single believes that he or she can impact a peculiar result ( Deci, 1975 ; Seligman, 1975 ) . An of import facet of the sense of achievement, competency, and control is the person ‘s reading of personal part to the result. Without a sense of personal causing, the likeliness of the single development learned weakness additions greatly.Choice:The Leisure Ability Model besides relies to a great extent on the construct of pick, pick implies that the person has sufficient accomplishments, cognition, and attitudes to be able to hold options from which to take, and the accomplishments and desires to do appropriate picks. Lee and Mobily ( 1988 ) stated that curative diversion services should construct accomplishments and supply participants with options for engagement.Flow:When accomplishment degree is high and activity challenge is low, the person is rather likely to be bored. When the accomplishment degree is low and the activity challenge is high, the per son is most likely to be dying. When the accomplishment degree and activity challenge are indistinguishable or about indistinguishable, the person is most able to accomplish a province of concentration and energy outgo that Csikszentmihalyi ( 1990 ) has labeled â€Å" flow. †Treatment ServicessDuring intervention services, the client by and large has less control over the purpose of the plans and is dependent on the professional judgement and counsel provided by the specializer. The client experiences less freedom of pick during intervention services than any other class of curative diversion service. The function of the specializer supplying intervention services is that of healer. Within intervention services, the client has minimal control and the healer has maximum control. The specializer typically designates the client ‘s degree and type of engagement, with well small input from the client. In order to successfully bring forth client results, the specializer must be able to measure accurately the client ‘s functional shortages ; create, design, and implement specific intercessions to better these shortages ; and measure the client outcomes achieved from intervention plans. hypertext transfer protocol: // tag=rbxira.2.a.10 & A ; destUrl=http: // ultimate result of intervention services is to extinguish, significantly better, or learn the client to accommodate to bing functional restrictions that hamper attempts to prosecute to the full in leisure chases. Often these functional shortages are to the grade that the client has trouble acquisition, developing his or her full potency, interacting with others, or being independent. The purpose of intervention services is to cut down these barriers so farther larning and engagement by the client can take topographic point.Leisure Education:Leisure instruction services focus on the client geting leisure-related attitudes, cognition, and accomplishments. Participating successfully in leisure requires a diverse scope of accomplishments and abilities, and many clients of curative diversion services do non possess these, have non been able to utilize them in their leisure clip, or need to re-learn them integrating the effects of their unwellness and/ or disablement. Leisure instruction services are provided to run into a broad scope of client demands related to prosecuting in a assortment of leisure activities and experiences. ( Howe, 1989, p. 207 ) . The overall result sought through leisure instruction services is a client who has enough cognition and accomplishments that an informed and independent pick can be made for his or her future leisure engagement. Leisure instruction agencies increased freedom of pick, increased venue of control, increased intrinsic motive, and increased independency for the client. Diversion Engagement: hypertext transfer protocol: // tag=rbxira.2.a.10 & A ; destUrl=http: // Diversion engagement plans are structured activities that allow the client to pattern freshly acquired accomplishments, and/or experience enjoyment and self-expression. These plans are provided to let the client greater freedom of pick within an organized bringing system and may, in fact, be portion of the person ‘s leisure life style. The client ‘s function in diversion engagement plans includes greater determination devising and increased self-regulated behavior. The client has increased freedom of pick and his or her motive is mostly intrinsic. In these plans, the specializer is by and large no longer learning or â€Å" in charge †per Se. The client becomes mostly responsible for his or her ain experience and result, with the specializer traveling to an organiser and/or supervisor function. As Stumbo and Peterson ( 1998 ) noted, diversion engagement allows the client an chance to pattern new accomplishments, experience enjoyment, and accomplish self-expression. From a clinical position, diversion engagement does much more. For case, diversion chances provide clients with reprieve from other, more backbreaking, therapy services. Leisure instruction plans may concentrate on: ( a ) self-awareness in relation to clients ‘ new position ; ( B ) larning societal accomplishments such as assertiveness, get bying, and friendly relationship devising ; ( c ) re-learning or accommodating pre-morbid leisure accomplishments ; and ( vitamin D ) placement leisure resources appropriate to new involvements and that are accessible. Diversion engagement plans may affect practising a assortment of new leisure and societal accomplishments in a safe, structured environment. In planing and implementing these plans, the specializer physiques on chances for the person to exert control, command, intrinsic motive, and pick. The ultimate result would be for each client to be able to accommodate to and get by with single disablement to the extent that he or she will see a satisfying and independent leisure life style, and be able to get the hang accomplishments to accomplish flow.Health Promotion/ Health Protection Model:The Health Protection/Health Promotion Model ( Austin, 1996, 1997 ) stipulates that the intent of curative diversion is to help individuals to retrieve following menaces to wellness, by assisting them to reconstruct themselves or recover stableness. ( wellness protection ) , and secondly, optimizing their potencies in order that they may bask every bit high a quality of wellness as possible ( wellness publicity ) . Within this theoretical account ( Austin, 1997, p. 144 ) provinces that aa‚ ¬Aâ€Å"the mission of curative diversion is to utilize activity, diversion, and leisure to assist people to cover with jobs that serve as barriers to wellness and to help them to turn toward their highest degrees of wellness and health †The wellness publicity, wellness protection theoretical account is broken up into four wide constructs which are the humanistic position, high degree health, stabilization and realization and wellness. Humanist Position: Those who embrace the humanistic position believe that each of us has the duty for his or her ain wellness and the capacity for doing autonomous and wise picks sing our wellness. Since persons are responsible for their ain wellness, it is critical to authorise persons to go involved in decision-making to the fullest extent possible ( Austin, 1997 ) . High-level Health: High-level wellness trades with assisting individuals to accomplish every bit high a degree of health as they are capable of accomplishing ( Austin, 1997 ) . Curative Diversion professionals have concern for the full scope of the illness-wellness continuum ( Austin, 1997 ) . hypertext transfer protocol: // tag=rbxira.2.a.10 & A ; destUrl=http: // Stabilization and Actualization Inclinations: The stabilizing inclination is concerned with keeping the â€Å" steady province †of the person. It is an version mechanism that helps us maintain emphasis in a manageable scope. It protects us from biophysical and psychosocial injury. The stabilizing inclination is the motivational force behind wellness protection that â€Å" focal points on attempts to travel off from or avoid negatively valence provinces of unwellness and hurt †( Pender, 1996, p. 34 ) . The realization inclination drives us toward wellness publicity that â€Å" focal points on attempts to near or travel toward a positively valency province of high-ranking wellness and wellbeing †( Pender, 1996, p. 34 ) . Health: King ( 1971 ) and Pender ( 1996 ) wellness encompasses both get bying adaptively and turning and going. Healthy people can get by with life ‘s stressors. Those who enjoy optimum wellness have the chance to prosecute the highest degrees of personal growing and development. Under the Health Protection/Health Promotion Model, therapists* recognize that to assist clients strive toward wellness publicity is the ultimate end of curative diversion. Further, therapists prize the right of each person to prosecute his or her highest province of wellbeing, or optimum wellness. TR pattern is hence based on a doctrine that encourages clients to try to accomplish maximal wellness, instead than merely retrieve from unwellness ( Austin, 1997 ) . The Component of Prescriptive Activities: When clients ab initio encounter unwellnesss or upsets, frequently they become self-involved. They have a inclination to retreat from their usual life activities and to see a loss of control over their lives ( Flynn, 1980 ) . Research ( e.g. , Langer & A ; Rodin, 1976 ; Seligman & A ; Maier, 1967 ) has shown that feelings of deficiency of control may convey about a sense of weakness that can finally bring forth terrible depression. At times such as this clients are meeting a important menace to their wellness and are non prepared to bask and profit from diversion or leisure. For these persons, activity is a necessary requirement to wellness Restoration. Activity is a agency for them to get down to derive control over their state of affairs and to get the better of feelings of weakness and depression that on a regular basis accompany loss of control. At this point on the continuum, Therapeutic Recreation professionals provide way and construction for prescribed activities. Once engaged in activity, clients can get down to comprehend themselves as being able to successfully interact with their environments, to get down to see feelings of success and command, and to take stairss toward recovering a sense of control. Clients come to gain that they are non inactive victims but can take action to reconstruct their wellness. They are so ready to partake in the diversion constituent of intervention. The Recreation Component: Diversion is activities that take topographic point during leisure clip ( Kraus. 1971 ) . Client demand to take portion in per se motivated diversion experiences that produce a sense of command and achievement within a supportive and nonthreatening atmosphere. Clients have fun as they learn new accomplishments, new behaviours, new ways to interact with others, new doctrines and values, and new knowledge about themselves. In short, they learn that they can be successful in their interactions with the universe. Through diversion they are able to re-create themselves, therefore battling menaces to wellness and reconstructing stableness. hypertext transfer protocol: // tag=rbxira.2.a.10 & A ; destUrl=http: // The Leisure Component: Whereas diversion allows people to reconstruct themselves, leisure is growing advancing. Leisure is a agency to self-actualisation because it allows people to hold self-determined chances to spread out themselves by successfully utilizing their abilities to run into challenges. Feelingss of achievement, assurance and pleasance consequence from such growing bring forthing experiences. Therefore leisure assumes an of import function in helping people to make their potencies ( Iso-Ahola, 1989 ) . Core elements in leisure seem to be that it is freely chosen and per se motivated. The Recreation and Leisure Components: Although diversion and leisure differ in that diversion is an adaptative device that allows us to reconstruct ourselves and leisure is a phenomenon that allows growing, they portion commonalties. Both diversion and leisure are free from restraint. Both involve intrinsic motive and both provide an chance for people to see a enormous sum of control in their lives. Both permit us to suspend mundane regulations and conventions in order to â€Å" be ourselves †and â€Å" allow our hair down. †Both allow us to be human with all of our imperfectnesss and infirmities. It is the undertaking of the curative diversion professional to keep an unfastened, supportive, and nonthreatening atmosphere that encourages these positive properties of diversion and leisure and which help to convey about curative benefit ( Austin, 1996 ) . hypertext transfer protocol: // tag=rbxira.2.a.10 & A ; destUrl=http: // Harmonizing to Bandura ( 1986 ) , bolstered efficaciousness outlooks allow clients to hold assurance in themselves and in their abilities to win in the face of defeat. Thus, clients experience more and more able to be in control of their lives and to run into hardship as they move along the continuum toward higher degrees of wellness. It is the function of the TR professional to assist each client assume increasing degrees of independency as he or she moves along the illness-wellness continuum. Of class, the client with the greatest dependance on the healer will be the person who is in the poorest wellness. At this point the stabilizing inclination is paramount while the client efforts to guard off the menace to wellness and to return to his or her usual stable province. At this clip the healer engages the client in normative activities or diversion experiences in order to help the client with wellness protection. During normative activities the client ‘s control is the smalles t and the healer ‘s is the largest. During diversion there is more of a common engagement by the client and healer. With the aid of the healer, the client learns to choose, and take part in, diversion experiences that promote wellness betterment. Approximately center across the continuum, the stabilising inclination reduces and the actualising inclination begins to originate. Leisure begins to emerge as the paramount paradigm. As the realization inclination additions, the client becomes less and less dependent on the healer and more and more responsible for self-government. The function of the healer continues to decrease until the client is able to work without the assistant. At this point the client can work comparatively independently of the TR professional and there is no demand for TR service bringing ( Austin, 1997 ) .Comparison of the usage of the Leisure Ability Model to the Health Promotion/ Health Protection Model in Therapeutic Recreation Services:The function of th e curative diversion specializer, in order to change by reversal the effects of erudite weakness, is to help the person in: ( a ) increasing the sense of personal causing and internal control, ( B ) increasing intrinsic motive, ( degree Celsius ) increasing the sense of personal pick and options, and ( vitamin D ) accomplishing the province of optimum experience or â€Å" flow. †In theory, so, curative diversion is provided to impact the entire leisure behavior ( leisure life style ) of persons with disablements and/or unwellnesss through decreasing learned weakness, and increasing personal control, intrinsic motive, and personal pick. This result is accomplished through the specific proviso of intervention, leisure instruction, and diversion engagement services which teach specific accomplishments, cognitions, and abilities, and take into consideration the matching of client accomplishment and activity challenge. Another strength is the Model ‘s flexibleness. One degree of flexibleness is with the three constituents of service. Each constituent of service is selected and programmed based on client demand. That is, some clients will necessitate intervention and leisure instruction services, without diversion engagement. Other clients will necessitate merely leisure instruction and diversion engagement services. Clearly, services are selected based on client demand. In add-on, plans conceptualized within each service constituent are selected based on client demand. flexibleness allow the specializer to custom design plans to suit the demands of every and any client group served by curative diversion. The ultimate end of leisure life style remains the same for every client, but since it is based on the person, how the life style will be implemented by the person and what it contains may differ. As such, the content of the Leisure Ability Model is non specific to any one population or client group, nor is it confined to any specific service or bringing scene. Some writers, including Kinney and Shank ( 1989 ) , have reported this as a strength of the Model. Harmonizing to the theoretical account, intercession may happen in a broad scope of scenes and references persons with â€Å" physical, mental, societal, or emotional restrictions †( Peterson & A ; Gunn, p. 4 ) . The intercession theoretical account is conceptually divided into three stages along a continuum of client operation and restrictiveness. The three stages of curative diversion intercession are arranged in a sequence, from greater healer control to lesser healer control, and from lesser client independency to greater client independency. This agreement is purposeful and is meant to convey that the ultimate purpose of the â€Å" appropriate leisure life style †is that it be engaged in independently and freely. Drumhead The Health Protection/Health Promotion Model contains three major constituents ( i.e. , prescribed activities, diversion, and leisure ) that range along an illness-wellness continuum. Harmonizing to their demands, clients may come in anyplace along the continuum. The theoretical account emphasizes the active function of the client who becomes less and less reliant on the TR professional as he or she moves toward higher degrees of wellness. Initially, way and construction are provided through normative activities to assist trip the client. During diversion, the client and healer articulation together in a common attempt to reconstruct normal operation. During leisure, the client assumes primary duty for his or her ain wellness and wellbeing.Evaluation of both theoretical accounts and there usage in curative diversion services:The overall intended result of curative diversion services, as defined by the Leisure Ability Model, is a satisfying, independent, and freely chosen leisure life style. In order to ease these perceptual experiences, curative diversion specializers must be able to plan, implement, and measure a assortment of activities that increase the individual ‘s single competency and sense of control. In relation to leisure behavior, Peterson ( 1989 ) felt that this includes bettering functional abilities, bettering leisure-related attitudes, accomplishments, cognition, and abilities, and voluntarily prosecuting in autonomous leisure behavior. Therefore, the three service countries of intervention, leisure instruction, and diversion engagement are designed to learn specific accomplishments to better personal competency and a sense of achievement. Csikszentmihalyi ( 1990 ) summed up the importance of these perceptual experiences: â€Å" In the long tally optimum experiences add up to a sense of mastery-or possibly better, a sense of engagement in finding the content of life-that comes every bit close to what is normally meant by felicity as anything else w e can conceivably conceive of †( p. 4 ) . The curative diversion specializer must be able to adequately assess clients ‘ accomplishment degree ( through client appraisal ) and activity demands ( through activity analysis ) in order for the two to come close one another. Given Deci ‘s ( 1975 ) theory of intrinsic motive which includes the construct of incongruousness, curative diversion specializers may supply activities somewhat above the skill degree of clients in order to increase the sense of command. When this lucifer between the activity demands and client accomplishment degrees occurs, clients are most able to larn and see a higher quality leisure. To ease this, curative diversion specializers become responsible for groking and integrating the: ( a ) theoretical bases ( including but non limited to internal venue of control, intrinsic motive, personal causing, freedom of pick, and flow ) ; ( B ) typical client features, including demands and shortages ; ( degree Celsius ) facets of quality curative diversio n plan bringing procedure ( e.g. , client appraisal, activity analysis, outcome rating, etc. ) ; and ( vitamin D ) curative diversion content ( intervention, leisure instruction, and diversion engagement ) . These countries of understanding are of import for the curative diversion specializer to be able to plan a series of coherent, organized plans that meet client demands and travel the client farther toward an independent and satisfactory leisure life style. Again, the success of that life style is dependent on the client deriving a sense of control and pick over leisure options, and holding an orientation toward intrinsic motive, an internal venue of control, and a personal sense of causality. The Leisure Ability Model provides specific content that can be addressed with clients in order to ease their development, care, and look of a successful leisure life style. Each facet of this content applies to the hereafter success, independency, and wellbeing of clients in respect to their leisure. hypertext transfer protocol: // tag=rbxira.2.a.10 & A ; destUrl=http: // The client has reduced major functional restrictions that prohibit or significantly limit leisure engagement ( or at least has learned ways to get the better of these barriers ) ; understands and values the importance of leisure in the entirety of life experiences ; has adequate societal accomplishments for engagement with others ; is able to take between several leisure activity options on a day-to-day footing, and do determinations for leisure engagement ; is able to turn up and utilize leisure resources as necessary ; and has increased perceptual experiences of pick, motive, freedom, duty, causality, and independency with respect to his or her leisure. These results are targeted through the designation of client demands, the proviso of plans to run into those demands, and the rating of results during and after plan bringing. A curative diversion specializer designs, implements, and evaluates services aimed at these results Austin ( 1989 ) objected to the Leisure Ability Model on the footing that is back uping a leisure behavior orientation, alternatively of the therapy orientation. â€Å" A figure of writers have objected to the Leisure Ability Model, holding observed that its across-the-board attack is excessively wide and lacks the focal point needed to direct a profession †( Austin, p. 147 ) . Austin advocated an alliance of curative diversion with allied wellness and medical scientific discipline subjects, instead than leisure and diversion professionals The Model in Practice The Health Protection/Health Promotion Model may be applied in any scene ( i.e. , clinical or community ) in which the end of curative diversion is holistic wellness and wellbeing. Thus, anyone who wishes to better his or her degree of wellness can go a TR client. TR professionals view all clients as holding abilities and integral strengths, every bit good as possessing intrinsic worth and the possible for alteration. Through purposeful intercession utilizing the TR procedure ( i.e. , appraisal, planning, execution, rating ) , curative results emphasize enhanced client operation. Typical curative results include increasing personal consciousness, bettering societal accomplishments, heightening leisure abilities, diminishing emphasis, bettering physical operation, and developing feelings of positive self-regard, self-efficacy and perceived control ( Austin, 1996 ) .
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